Buffalo's live men in caricature

About the Collection
The book, “Buffalo’s Live Men in Caricature” was published in 1913 in Buffalo, NY and highlights many prominent figures in the local political and business scene. While no individual cartoons are attributed to a specific artist, the majority of the cartoons were drawn by William Mitchell of the Buffalo Sunday Times, and Cornelius J. Kennedy (“Ken”) from the Buffalo Evening News. The faces in this book tell a story of a vibrant political, business and cultural scene in Buffalo at the beginning of the 20th century, including some names that are familiar today, such as Louis P. Fuhrmann, former mayor of Buffalo, and P. McNaughton, President of the Shea Amusement Company.
As the foreward of the book states: “The men here represented are the dynamic forces of the city of Buffalo—the ‘live wires,’ if we may be permitted the slang.”