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Interior, Ennis House
Detail of Fresco with Antelopes
Nave Vaults, St. Etienne
Exterior Detail, Great Pyramid
View with Pylon, Temple of Amun, Karnak
Map, Jerusalem, Israel
Axonometric Drawing, Herod's Temple, Jerusalem, Israel
Plan, Herod's Temple, Jerusalem, Israel
Topographical Map of Herod's Temple Complex, Jerusalem
Paypyrus, Book of the Dead
Map, Jesus' Last Journey to Jerusalem
Map, Jesus' Trial, Judgment, and Crucifixion
Plans, Avery Coonley House
West Magazine with Large Pithoi in Situ, Palace of Minos
Crossing of Red Sea and Abandoned Temple, Detail, West Wall of Dura-Europos Synagogue
Map, Roman Empire in the 2nd Century CE
Plan, Basilica Ulpia, Rome
Plan and Section of Pantheon, Rome
Detail, Spoils from Temple in Jerusalem, Arch of Titus
Detail, Reliefs, Arch of Constantine
Map of Romanesque Europe
Map, Proto-Renaissance, Italy
View of Coketown
Map, Crete
Map, showing the western third of the island, Crete
Map, Eastern Crete
Aerial View, Campidoglio, Piazza, Forum, and Santa Maria in Aracoeli
Aerial View, Rome
Palatine Hill from South
Typical Wall Section of a Usonian House
Aerial View, Piazza del Campo, Siena
Section through Venetian Palazzo
Reconstructed Aerial View, The Acropolis
Pantheon, Rome
Moses and Migration from Egypt
West Door, Hildesheim Cathedral
Interior of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
Joshua and Men at War, the Lord Speaks to Joshua
Joshua Speaking to God after the Battle with Amorites
Infancy of Moses
Closed Temple
Plan, Ground Floor, Hotel Amelot de Gournay
Supper Scene, Catacomb of St. Callistus
Aerial View, Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna
Map, Migrations across Europe and Asia, 3rd - 5th Century
Gold signet Rings
Return of the Prodigal Son
Interior, Design for Kitchen, Stoclet Palace
Design for Vestibule, Stoclet House
Judgment of Solomon, from House of the Physician, Pompeii
Harvest Scene, from Mastaba of Ti
Reconstruction of the Great Pyramids
Designs on Gold Bowl, Ras Shamra, Syria
Detail, Capture of Elamite King Ummanaldash, Relief Sculpture, Iraq
Detail, Street Scene, Allegory of Good Government
Cowering Fig and Lintel, Detail, The Last Judgment, Tympanum at Autun
Plan, Athens
Throne at Time of Discovery, Throne Room, Palace of Minos
Mistress of the Animals, Sealstone
Map of Greece and Near East in Archaic Period
Map, showing Bronze Age sites, Greece
Map, showing Tholos and Tomb Distribution, Greece
First floor, Plans, Thomas H. Gale House
Exterior, Harpers Building
Reliquary of Bishop Maltheus of Sion
God as Architect of Universe, Old Testament
Map of Egypt and Adjoining Lands
Drawing, Facade, Santa Maria Novella
Ethiopians right and above center tympanum, St Magdalen
Map Showing Stone Age and Bronze Age Sites, Cyprus
Baldy Hall and New Lockwood Building
Perseus and Andromeda
Detail, Perseus and Andromeda
Conspectus of Cretan Hieroglyphic Signs
Heinrich Schliemann, aged 58
Map, Argive plain
Map, Mycenae, Greece
Map, showing Argolic and Mycenaean Roads, Greece
Frieze with Rosettes & Triglyphs, Northwest Corner, Frieze with Rosettes & Triglyphs, From Northwest Corner of Palace of Minos
Plan of Upper Story, Royal Villa, Knossos
Plan, Villa, Nirou Khani, Crete
Leaping Goat, Detail of a Stone Vase from Zakros, Crete
Heinrich Schliemann
Carl W. Blegen, 1887 - 1972
Sir Arthur J. Evans, 1851 - 1941
Portraits of Four Classical Scholars
Plan for the Palace of Minos
General view, Palazzo Pubblica
Allegory of Good Government
Detail, Country, Allegory of Good Government
Arch of Titus
Drawing, Left, First Mill, 1813, Right, Second Mill, 1816, Boston Manufacturing Company
Map, Messara Plain, Crete
Drawing of gifts from Frobels Badagogif des Kindergartens
Drawing of gifts from Frobels Badagogif des Kindergartens,
Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine
Interior, Basilica of San Lorenzo
Agora, Athens
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