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Two plans of a common bungalow from Buffalo, NY, ca. 1920
Common Bungalow from Buffalo, NY, ca. 1920
Common Bungalow from Buffalo, NY, ca. 1910
Drawing of Various Roof and Gable Types used in Buffalo, NY
Presentation of captives to Lord Chan Muwan, Bonampak
View through loggia to Thompson Park, Taliesin West
Map, Paradise Valley and McDowell Mountains
Interior, study space, bedroom, bathroom
Cacao Vase With Nobles, Retainers, and Dwarf
Battle, from Bonampak
Women Bloodletting, Bonampak
Lords Awaiting Heir, Bonampak
Murals, Room One, Bonampak
Mayan Acropolis
Detail, Cacao Vase With Nobles, Retainers, and Dwarf
Calendar Glyphs for Forcasting, Madrid Codex
Stele Showing Captives
Stele from North Platform
Temple 1 (Temple of Giant Jaguar)
Ball Court from the south
Tetitla Mural, Teotihuacan
Map of the Aegean
Black Bull, Lascaux II
Pylon and court of Ramesses II
Dome in front of the mihrab of the Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain.
Map of Thera, Greece
Reconstruction drawing of Theater with Canopy, Pompeii
Krater from Cyprus
Varaha Relief, Cave Five, Udayagiri
South Frieze, Block 31
Reconstruction Drawing of Latrine
Mekku Stone
Christ in Majesty
Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)
Guan Ware Vase
Villa Savoie
Suprematist Painting (Eight Red Rectangles)
Jane Avril at the Jardin de Paris
A Bar at the Folies-Bergere
Taj Mahal
The Small Cowper Madonna
Last Supper
Crucifix commissioned by Archbishop Gero for Cologne Cathedral, Cologne, Germany.
Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin
Vishnu Asleep on the Serpent Ananta
Vishnu Temple, Deogarh
Arch of Constantine
Laocoon and His Sons
View from Northwest, Parthenon
Seated Scribe
Judgment of Adam and Eve
Crucifixion, mosaic in the church of the Dormition
Altar to the Hand and Arm (ikegobo)
Portrait bust of a Roman Man (Palazzo Torlonia)
Throneroom and Archives, Palace of Nestor, Pylos
Abbey church of St. Michael
Restored view of the Sanctuary of Fortuna
Aerial view (from the southeast) of the Sanctuary of Fortuna
Barrel-Vaulted Corridor of the Platform of the Sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur
Arcade of the Platform of the Sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur
Portico Arcade of the Sanctuary of Hercules
Restored view of the Sanctuary of Hercules
Market Hall, Ferentino
Restored cutaway view of the Porticus Aemilia
Corinthian Capitals and Frieze, Temple of Vesta
Temple of Vesta(?), Tivoli
Temple of Vesta or Hercules Victor, Rome
Temples B (left) and A (right), Largo Argentina
Plan of four Republican Temples, Largo Argentina
Temple of Portunus
Temple of Hercules
Italy during the Roman Republic
Section of the Servian Walls on the Viale Aventino
Capitoline Wolf
Plan of the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus
Model of the Village Romulus, Palatine Hill
Map, the Ancient Walls of Rome
Plan of Basilica of San Vitale
Map of Italy in Romanesque Times
Hand - Bluebird Bowl
Temple I (Temple of the Giant Jaguar)
Warrior I, from Riace
Detail, Street Scene, Allegory of Good Government
Emperor Addressing People, Emperor Giving Money, from the Arch of Constantine
Reconstruction of Trajan's Forum, Rome
Portrait of a Man
Apollo Sauroktonos
Bronze Doors, Abbey Church of St. Michael, Hildesheim
Evangelist Matthew, from the Ebbo Gospels
Plan, Aachen Cathedral
View of Temple II and North Acropolis, Tikal
Prince Liu Sheng Tomb, Mancheng
Foundation Rock from above, Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Plan of the Choir of the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis
Trumeau, South Portal, Priory Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac
Diagram, Great Stupa, Sanchi
Plan of the Great Stupa, Sanchi
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