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Column Ruins, Temple of Zeus, Olympia
Map, Mesopotamia
Pediment and Upper Facade, Pisa Cathedral
View from Northwest, Parthenon
Relief Sculpture with Ramses III
Bronze head of Sargon from Nineveh
Pictographs of Kachinas
Cave Temple of Shiva, Maharashtra
Wailing Wall, Jerusalem
Old market woman
Court of Common Good, Allegory of Good Government
Great Suk-Metalworker, Damascus
Chartres Cathedral
Sanctuary, Great Mosque of Cordoba
Columns of Clay Warriors
Reconstruction of Water System, Pompeii
Step Frieze, Quetzalcoatl Temple
North Propylon, Palace of Minos
Gold Ring, Tholos A, Arkhanes, Crete
Citadel at Mycenae
Enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree
Pyramid of the Sun
Stairway, Casa Rinconada
Bordello, Pompeii
Warrior II, from Riace
Vishnu Asleep on the Serpent Ananta
South Side, Vishnu Temple, Deogarh
Detail of Mosaic, Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Annunciation to Saint Anne, Detail, South Wall, Arena Chapel
Facade, Detail, Pisa Cathedral
Propylaea, Acropolis
Aerial view, Colosseum
Theater, Pergamum
Pyramid of the Moon
Reconstruction of the Colosseum showing Fights
Zeus and Hera enthroned, Detail, East Frieze, Parthenon
Caryatids from the south porch of the Erechtheion
View of Magazine showing Kaselles, West Magazines, Palace of Minos
Stadium at Olympia
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
View from Southeast: Cronus, Altis, and Alpheus Valley, Olympia
Relief, Cave Five, Udayagiri
Garden, House of the Marine Venus
Builders, Detail, Allegory of Good Government
Herakles and Cretan Bull, Detail, Bilingual Amphora
Brothel, Pompeii
Propylea and Athena Nike, Acropolis
Phallic Relief, from Pompeii
Ceiling and mural paintings, from Insula of the Painted Vaults, Room 4, Ostia
Temple Mount, Jerusalem
Our Lady of Vladimir (Virgin of Vladimir)
Via dell/Abondanza, Pompeii
Mayor Sennefer and wife Meryt, Tomb of Sennefer
Arena and Seats, Colosseum
Varaha Relief of Naga, Cave Five, Udayagiri
Pyramid of Chephren, Jizah, Egypt
Chariots and Horses in Pit, from Ch'in Tomb
Temple of Hera II, Paestum
Ritual Vessel
West Side Doorway, Vishnu Temple, Deogarh
Herakles Driving a Bull To Sacrifice (Black-figure Decoration)
View from south, Great Mosque of Cordoba
Sketch Map, Ancient Egypt and the Nile
Bathtub from bathroom, Queen's Megaron, Palace of Minos
Sacrifice of Joachim, Detail, South Wall, Arena Chapel
Egyptian Faience Scarabs
Brighten the Chain
Section W, Colosseum
General View of Udayagiri Site
Two Recumbent Bulls, Agate Sealstone
Marcus Aurelius
Dying Gaul
A Mastaba, Saqqara
Detail of a Fourth Style mural painting, Ixion Room
Reconstructed Aerial View of the Forum at Pompeii
Lapith versus centaur, South side of Parthenon
View of Colonnade, Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
Ajax and Achilles playing Draughts, Athenian bilingual amphora
Crouching Aphrodite
Map of Ancient Near East
Fountain of the Four Rivers
Object (Le Dejeuner en fourrure)
Crucifixion, Detail of Misericordia Polyptych
Assumption of the Virgin
Plan, Great Kiva, Pueblo Bonito
Drawing, Bogardus Factory
Exterior, Courtyard Facade, Hotel Amelot de Gournay
Exterior, Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
Penelope on Stool with Telemachos
Tomato Heads
Inner Gateway of the Palace of Minos
Chartres Cathedral
Legend of Saint Francis, Sassetti Chapel, Santa Trinita
Detail of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
Entrance, Lucan House
Map of Ancient Italy
Music and Grammar
Plan and Main Gallery, Catacomb of St. Callistus
Block XLVII, Detail, North Frieze, Parthenon
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