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Still Life with Chair-Caning
Nave, St. Etienne, Caen
Desert floor, Taliesin West
Book One: Family
Composition with Yellow, Red, Black, Blue, and Gray
The Visitation
Mother and Child with Six Saints, San Ludovico Altar
Reconstruction of Forum and Colosseum during Constantine's Reign
Apollo, West Pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia
The Ruins of the Parthenon
Entry, Unity Temple
Venus of Cyrene
The Night
Love Conquers
Interior, Unity Temple
Destruction Debris, Jerusalem
Royal Ancestral Altar of Benin
Stone stele, Taliesin West
Madonna Enthroned
View Toward Loggia, Piazza Della Signoria
Detail, eroded corner, Taliesin West
Interior from below main floor level, Unity Temple
Mycenaean Krater
Discobolos, Roman copy
Detail, Ministry of Education
Saguaro Cactus, Taliesin West
Crypt with Painting
Detail, drafting room, Taliesin West
Detail, drafting room, Taliesin West
Detail of Face, Kouros
Exterior, Unity Temple
Detail, windows, Ministry of Education
Lion Gate, Citadel, Mycenae, Greece
Diane de Versailles
Entrance slot, Unity Temple
Plaster Reconstruction of Bed
Venus of Rhodes
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Representative Nature
Detail of Glass, Johnson Wax Administration Building
Temple of Athena Nike
Composition with Blue, Black, Yellow, and Red
Chaco road system
Plan of Top Floor, Lovell House
Obsidian Blades and Cores, Melos, Greece
Detail of head, Kroisos
Rose Window and Lancets, Chartres Cathedral
Johnson Wax Administration Building
Pythagoras and Priscian, archivolts, Chartres Cathedral
Costanza Bonarelli
Second Bank of the United States, Philadelphia
Staghorn Cactus, Taliesin West
Interior, Crossing of Chartres Cathedral
Chariot Procession, Detail, North Frieze, Parthenon
Desert Stones, Arizona Desert, Taliesin West
Astronomy, Ptolemy, Detail of Archivolts, Chartres Cathedral
Dromos, Treasury of Atreus
Androcephalic Bulls, Detail, Gate of the Citadel of Sargon II
Johnson Wax Administration Building, Detail of Exterior
Map of the 1911 journey
Detail, Ministry of Education
Floor plans, Darwin Martin House
Detail, glass, Frederick C. Robie House
Bathroom, Villa Savoie
Composition No. 9
Gold Pendant with Goddess Holding Gazelles, Kas, Anatolia
Einst dem Grau der Nacht enttaucht
Vishnu Asleep on the Serpent Ananta
Second floor hall, Villa Savoie
Interior, Johnson Wax Administration Building
Self Portrait in Hell
Detail, glass, Frederick C. Robie House
Tympanum, Royal Portal, West Door, Chartres Cathedral
Frieze with rosettes and triglyphs
Map, Argive plain
Conspectus of Cretan Hieroglyphic Signs
Map, Mycenae, Greece
Map showing Tholos and Tomb Distribution, Greece
Map showing Argolic and Mycenaean Roads, Greece
Map of Greece showing Bronze Age sites
Map of Cyprus Showing Stone Age and Bronze Age Sites
Heinrich Schliemann, aged 58
Map, Crete
Map, Eastern Crete
The Persistence of Memory
Map, showing the western third of the island, Crete
Lion Hun, from Ashurnasirpal Palace
Map of the Route of the Exodus
Map, Jerusalem, Israel
Plan, Forum of Pompeii
Plan, Baths of Caracalla
Rosetta Stone
Isis Nursing Horus
Map of Palestine
Sarcophagus of Archbishop Theodore
Map of the Territory of Twelve Tribes
Reconstruction Drawing of the Baths of Caracalla
Palace of Nestor, Plan
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