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Valhalla, Regensburg
A Kouros
Sellopoulo Tombs 3 and 4, Knossos
Interior, Valhalla, Regensburg
The Open Window
Detail, St. Jerome in his Study
Detail, Cell Number 3, Annunciation
First Floor Plan, Larkin Administration Building
Lands of the Old Testament
New York Times Magazine photograph of Zaha Hadid
Three Views, Marble Female Dokathismata Figurine, Keros-Syros, Greece
Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine
Pottery found in the Shrine of the Double Axes
Immaculate Conception
Oval Hanging Construction No. 12
Greeks Fetching Water from the Well at the Tower of the Winds in Athens
Isometric Drawing, Villa Savoie
Detail of head, Fresco with Saffron Gatherers
Drawing, Site Plan, Kas, Anatolia
Raymond Carver Altar
Annunciation, Detail of Sant'Ansano Altarpiece
Sleeping Hermaphrodite
Front Elevation, William H. Winslow House
Reconstruction drawing of the citadel of Sargon II
Lamassu (winged, human-headed bull)
Portico Arcade of the Sanctuary of Hercules
Plan of four Republican Temples, Largo Argentina
Plan of the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus
Capitoline Wolf
Map of Crete showing Conjectured Routes of Minoan Transit Roads
Detail, part of stone drain uncovered, Northern Entrance, Palace of Minos
Map, Crete
Temple of Portunus
Restored cutaway view of the Porticus Aemilia
Temples B (left) and A (right), Largo Argentina
Temple of Vesta(?), Tivoli
Temple of Vesta or Hercules Victor, Rome
Present wine cellar, Monticello
Temple of Hercules
Barrel-Vaulted Corridor of the Platform of the Sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur
View, previous to reconstitution, Queen's Megaron, Palace of Minos
Arcade of the Platform of the Sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur
Section of the Servian Walls on the Viale Aventino
Corinthian Capitals and Frieze, Temple of Vesta
Market Hall, Ferentino
Model of the Village Romulus, Palatine Hill
Restored view of the Sanctuary of Hercules
Restored view of the Sanctuary of Fortuna
Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue I
Bird in Space
Detail, Truth Unveiled by Time
Hip mask representing an iyoba (Queen Mother)
Supper at Emmaus
Detail of Saint Mary Magdalene
Jane Avril at the Jardin de Paris
Passageway, south entrance, Monticello
The Good Shepherd Sarcophagus
Abstract Painting, No. 5
The Small Cowper Madonna
Darwin D. Martin House, Alteration No. 1
Pool Parlor
La Prose du Transsiberian et de la Petite Jehanne de France
The Surrender of Breda, June 2, 1625
Nave, Amiens Cathedral
Plan and section, Leland Burns House
The Drawing Lesson
Last Supper
Last Supper
Plan and section, Moore House
Terrace door, Villa Tugendhat
Suprematist Painting (Eight Red Rectangles)
Red Canna
Woodland Scene
Interior, Philips Exeter Academy Library, Philips Exeter Academy Library
Tanktotem V
Plan of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy
The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist
The Store (interior)
Christine de Pisan Presenting Her Book to the Queen of France
Boy, Detail, Fortune Teller
Herm with Head of Hermes Propylaios
A Bar at the Folies-Bergere
Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)
Ethiopians right and above center tympanum, St Magdalen
Four-Piece Composition: Reclining Figure
Perspective, Plan, Monolithic Concrete Bank project
Oracle of Trophonius at Levadhia
Stair railing and leaded-glass entry doors, David B. Gamble House
Plan for June 1916 Addition, Darwin D. Martin House
Last Supper, Entombment, Crucifixion, and Resurrection
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