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Tags: mosaics
Apse Mosaic, Church of Sant' Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna
Christ, Detail, Deesis Mosaic
Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd
Joshua and Men at War, the Lord Speaks to Joshua
Joshua Speaking to God after the Battle with Amorites
Detail, Conquest of Jericho
Mosaic from the Great Mosque, Damascus
Saint Apollinaris amid sheep, apse mosaic, Church of SantApollinare in Classe, Ravenna
Neptune and creatures of the sea
Mihrab Mosaics, Great Mosque
Christ Enthroned in Majesty
Detail of the Persian king Darius III, Battle of Issus
Crucifixion, mosaic in the church of the Dormition
The Almighty Dome
Battle of Issus (Alexander Mosaic)
Parting of Abraham and Lot, Nave of Santa Maria Maggiore
Christ as Pantokrator
Detail of Mosaic, Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Crucifixion, mosaic in the church of the Dormition
Saint Apollinaris amid sheep, apse mosaic, Church of SantApollinare in Classe, Ravenna
Christ the Judge
Coronation of the Virgin
Emperor Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and attendants
Pantokrator, Dome of Daphni Monastery
Crucifixion, Monastery, Daphni
Neptune and creatures of the sea, detail of a floor mosaic, Ostia
Mosaic floor, statio of the merchants of Sabratha
Mosaic floors in the portico
Neptune and Amphitrite mosaic
Emperor Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and attendants
Jeremiah: Left of Abraham Lunette
Detail of a vault mosaic from the mausoleum of the Julii, Rome, 250 - 275
Emperor Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and attendants
Theophany, Detail of Mosaic in San Vitale, Ravenna
Detail of Christ, Deesis mosaic of the south gallery, Hagia Sophia
Detail, Christ in majesty
Christ as the Good Shepherd mosaic, Mausoleum of Galla Placida
Interior, mosaics, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
The Grape Harvest, Ceiling Mosaic, Mausoleum of Saint Constance
Portrait of Constantine, Ceiling Mosaic, Mausoleum of Saint Constance
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