Letter written by Christine Bishop and sent to Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, November 22, 1883
Letter written by Christine Bishop and sent to Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, November 22, 1883
Letter writing
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
This is a photograph of a letter written by Christine Bishop and sent to Dr. Frances Proctor Ames on November 22, 1883. She writes of her health and catches Dr. Ames up on news from Olean, NY.
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
Date Created
Is Part Of
Frances Proctor Ames Papers, 1882-1948 (RG 9/12/1043)
Olean Nov 22 1883
Dear Friend Fannie
I am a going to write you
Myself if it [?ant] a long letter
Dear Fannie I was so happy to hear
from you and that you wer well
and I hope you ar getting along
nice with your studies. I wish
you God Spead in all your
doings I will never forget your
goodness to me in my sickness
Dear Fannine they may sing very
nice in the Church in Buffalo
but it would never sound
as sweet to me as it did to
have you sing to me One
Sweetly Solem Thought- and the
other songs you used to sing
when I was so sick
I am getting a littel better
but not very strong yet my
left arm is very weak and
numb I have been out rideing
every pleasant day since the
middle of September the Dr
comes once a week to see me
to use the Battery on my
arm [?udge] has ben very
kind to me, we have not
setteled the the Company
yet I think it will be a
hard matter to get more
then 5,000 they have offerd
me that and pay nurse &
Drs Bills I dont feel like
lawing with them a long time
I dont hardley know what
to do bout it that sum dont
seem much to me. Dear Fannie
I think some of buying a farm
out of town I think it would
be better for us all. when
I got your dear letter
John was off on a Drunk
of three days when he got
home I read your letter to
him and he cryed and said
Fannie is a good girl and I
wont get Drunk again. Oh
it did not last long but
I thank you just the same
I wish I had not lost all
hope. the girl you send me
staid one week when my niece
came and stayed with me
8 weeks and then got married
she had ben engaged over
two years she was married
the 30 of Oct she sends
hir love to you [?] she has
got a good man I hope.
he is stedy and a good
I have one of my Neighbor
girls working for me [?]
a german girl I
like hir very well
I have not seen eney of your
folks yet but Johnie may
see your sister at school
every day when you get this
note please write soon and
I wont let you wait for
an answer as long as this
hoping this will find
you all well and happy
I remain your
Loveng Friend
Christine Bishop
Olean Catt CO
new York.
Dear Friend Fannie
I am a going to write you
Myself if it [?ant] a long letter
Dear Fannie I was so happy to hear
from you and that you wer well
and I hope you ar getting along
nice with your studies. I wish
you God Spead in all your
doings I will never forget your
goodness to me in my sickness
Dear Fannine they may sing very
nice in the Church in Buffalo
but it would never sound
as sweet to me as it did to
have you sing to me One
Sweetly Solem Thought- and the
other songs you used to sing
when I was so sick
I am getting a littel better
but not very strong yet my
left arm is very weak and
numb I have been out rideing
every pleasant day since the
middle of September the Dr
comes once a week to see me
to use the Battery on my
arm [?udge] has ben very
kind to me, we have not
setteled the the Company
yet I think it will be a
hard matter to get more
then 5,000 they have offerd
me that and pay nurse &
Drs Bills I dont feel like
lawing with them a long time
I dont hardley know what
to do bout it that sum dont
seem much to me. Dear Fannie
I think some of buying a farm
out of town I think it would
be better for us all. when
I got your dear letter
John was off on a Drunk
of three days when he got
home I read your letter to
him and he cryed and said
Fannie is a good girl and I
wont get Drunk again. Oh
it did not last long but
I thank you just the same
I wish I had not lost all
hope. the girl you send me
staid one week when my niece
came and stayed with me
8 weeks and then got married
she had ben engaged over
two years she was married
the 30 of Oct she sends
hir love to you [?] she has
got a good man I hope.
he is stedy and a good
I have one of my Neighbor
girls working for me [?]
a german girl I
like hir very well
I have not seen eney of your
folks yet but Johnie may
see your sister at school
every day when you get this
note please write soon and
I wont let you wait for
an answer as long as this
hoping this will find
you all well and happy
I remain your
Loveng Friend
Christine Bishop
Olean Catt CO
new York.
Original Format
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948, “Letter written by Christine Bishop and sent to Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, November 22, 1883,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed March 11, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/index.php/items/show/79624.