Personal notes written by Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, May, 1941
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
State University of New York at Buffalo. School of Medicine
This is a photograph of a pamphlet describing candidates to be voted on for election to the Alumni Member Council at UB. The first page, verso, shows notes written by Dr. Frances Proctor Ames. The second page features the candidates on the inside of the mailing.
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
Date Created
Is Part Of
Frances Proctor Ames Papers, 1882-1948 (RG 9/12/1043)
Biographical Sketches
of the Candidates for the Office
of Alumni Member of the Coun-
cil of The University of Buffalo
Submitted by friends of the Candidates and
edited by the Secretary of the Council of The
University of Buffalo
(Three members of the Council are to be elected by a mail vote. Use
only the official ballot enclosed. Read directions to voters printed on
the reverse side of the ballot.)
hair tonic
salts of sea
folder for
MAY, 1941
DR. WILLIAM F. GALLIVAN is a graduate of the University of Buffalo Medical
School, in the class of June, 1909. During his junior and senior years he interned
at Mercy Hospital. After graduation he interned at Bellevue Hospital, New
York City, for two years. At the expiration of this interneship, he was named
Resident, in charge of the School for Midwives, which was affiliated with the
obstetrical service of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in New York City. He
resigned shortly after receiving this appointment, to do post-graduate work
in Europe. This work was done in the clinics of Berlin, Munich, and Vienna,
for a little over one year. He returned to open an office and enter private prac-
tice in Buffalo in 1913, where he has practiced since. On two different occasions
he has returned to Europe for post-graduate work, and at various times has
gone to New York City, too, for post-graduate work. Dr. Gallivan is a member
of The Academy of Medicine, Erie County and New York State Medical Associations, and the
American Medical Association, a member of the alumni of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals of New York
City, and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
DR. LEON J. GAUCHAT, has been a life-long resident of Buffalo receiving his
preliminary education at Masten Park High School and graduating from the
University of Buffalo School of Dentistry with the class of 1919. He has served
through all the offices of the Dental Alumni Association of the University of
Buffalo and served two terms on the University Council also being a member
of the Executive Committee of the general Alumni Board. Dr. Gauchat is
President of the Eighth District Dental Society of the State of New York and
Vice-Chairman of the Health Division of the Buffalo Council of Social Agencies.
He has been a member of the Dental School Faculty since 1931 in the ca-
pacity of Assistant Professor of Principles of Practice. He is a member of the
visiting dental staff of the Meyer Memorial Hospital. His activities include
membership in the Omicron Kappa Upsilon honorary dental fraternity, Delta
Sigma Delta Fraternity, Apollonian Dental Guild and the local, state, and American Dental Association.
ROBERT P. HARRINGTON was born in Buffalo, New York. Attended Buffalo
grammar and high schools. President Freshman Class Arts School 1925-26; Pres-
ident Sophomore Class Arts School 1926-27; elected President Junior Class
Arts School 1927-28. Graduated from University of Buffalo Law School, 1932.
Member of various governing bodies at Arts School 1926-27; member Varsity
Basketball Team 1925-1931; Conference Champions 1929-30, 1930-31; Co-
Captain 1929-30, 1930-31; President Bison Head Senior Honorary Society
1930-31; Secretary Senior Law Class; member Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity;
Assistant basketball coach University of Buffalo since 1932.
DR. NELSON G. RUSSELL is Professor of Medicine Emeritus in the School of Medi-
cine in the University of Buffalo, Consulting Physician Buffalo General Hos-
pital, Chief Consulting Physician Meyer Memorial Hospital and has been a
member of the Council of the University since 1921. He was born in New-
market, Ontario, Canada in 1872 and received his preliminary education in
the Schools of Ontario and the State of New York. He was graduated from the
School of Medicine of the University of Buffalo in 1895 and pursued post-
graduate studies in European centers–notably London, Berlin and Vienna.
He has been a member of the teaching staff of the School of Medicine of the
University of Buffalo since 1895. He is Governor of the American College of
Physicians, Western Division, and a member of the American Medical Associa-
tion, the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, the Ameri-
can Clinical and Climatological Association, the American Heart Association, the American Association
of the History of Medicine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Buffalo General Hospital.
He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. He served with
the American Expeditionary Force in France in the World War and was retired with the rank of Colonel.
He is now serving as Chairman of Medical Advisory Board No. 48–Selective Service. Dr. Russell
has served the University in many capacities, including membership in the Administrative Board of
the School of Medicine, the Athletic Council as Alumni Representative and the Endowment Fund Campaigns of 1920 and 1929.
JOSEPH SWART, LL.B., '20. Born near Medina, N.Y., in 1899; attended Medina
High School and St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute; admitted to the Bar in 1921.
He has been engaged in the active practice of the Law with Shir & Jellinek
since admission to the Bar, and has been a member of the firm since 1930.
He is married and the father of four sons. He resides at 36 Dodge Street, in
the City of Buffalo, N.Y.
ALBERT PHILLIP SY was born in Altamont, Illinois, in 1872; was graduated from
the University of Illinois in 1894, received the degree of M.S. from that institu-
tion in 1899, and the Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo in 1908. From 1895
to the present time, with the exception of the years from 1900 to 1904, he has
taught Chemistry at the University of Buffalo. He is a charter member of the
Buffalo Chemical Society (now Western New York Section, American Chemical
Society, of which he has been Chairman and Secretary). He has been Secretary
of Section of Chemical Education, and Section of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
of the American Chemical Society. He has served as Alumni member of the
Council of the University since 1920, and was a member of the Committee,
which selected Chancellor Capen.
ELMER J. TROPMAN received the degrees of B.A.--Magna cum laude, 1932;
M.A.--February, 1935; and Certificate in Social Work–February, 1937.
He was a member of Bison Head Honorary Society, Captain of the Debate
Team, 1930-31; President of the Arts Student Council, 1931-32 and Class
Day Orator, 1932. He was Graduate Assistant in Sociology Department,
1932-33; Instructor in Sociology Department, Millard Fillmore College, 1935-
36 and Social Worker, Buffalo Emergency Relief Bureau, 1934-36. He was
Parole Officer and Institutional Parole Representative, New York State Parole
Department, 1936-40 and Assistant Executive Secretary of the Council of
Social Agencies, 1940. He is a member of the American Association of Social
Workers and President of Alumni Association of the University of Buffalo
School of Social Work.
of the Candidates for the Office
of Alumni Member of the Coun-
cil of The University of Buffalo
Submitted by friends of the Candidates and
edited by the Secretary of the Council of The
University of Buffalo
(Three members of the Council are to be elected by a mail vote. Use
only the official ballot enclosed. Read directions to voters printed on
the reverse side of the ballot.)
hair tonic
salts of sea
folder for
MAY, 1941
DR. WILLIAM F. GALLIVAN is a graduate of the University of Buffalo Medical
School, in the class of June, 1909. During his junior and senior years he interned
at Mercy Hospital. After graduation he interned at Bellevue Hospital, New
York City, for two years. At the expiration of this interneship, he was named
Resident, in charge of the School for Midwives, which was affiliated with the
obstetrical service of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in New York City. He
resigned shortly after receiving this appointment, to do post-graduate work
in Europe. This work was done in the clinics of Berlin, Munich, and Vienna,
for a little over one year. He returned to open an office and enter private prac-
tice in Buffalo in 1913, where he has practiced since. On two different occasions
he has returned to Europe for post-graduate work, and at various times has
gone to New York City, too, for post-graduate work. Dr. Gallivan is a member
of The Academy of Medicine, Erie County and New York State Medical Associations, and the
American Medical Association, a member of the alumni of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals of New York
City, and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
DR. LEON J. GAUCHAT, has been a life-long resident of Buffalo receiving his
preliminary education at Masten Park High School and graduating from the
University of Buffalo School of Dentistry with the class of 1919. He has served
through all the offices of the Dental Alumni Association of the University of
Buffalo and served two terms on the University Council also being a member
of the Executive Committee of the general Alumni Board. Dr. Gauchat is
President of the Eighth District Dental Society of the State of New York and
Vice-Chairman of the Health Division of the Buffalo Council of Social Agencies.
He has been a member of the Dental School Faculty since 1931 in the ca-
pacity of Assistant Professor of Principles of Practice. He is a member of the
visiting dental staff of the Meyer Memorial Hospital. His activities include
membership in the Omicron Kappa Upsilon honorary dental fraternity, Delta
Sigma Delta Fraternity, Apollonian Dental Guild and the local, state, and American Dental Association.
ROBERT P. HARRINGTON was born in Buffalo, New York. Attended Buffalo
grammar and high schools. President Freshman Class Arts School 1925-26; Pres-
ident Sophomore Class Arts School 1926-27; elected President Junior Class
Arts School 1927-28. Graduated from University of Buffalo Law School, 1932.
Member of various governing bodies at Arts School 1926-27; member Varsity
Basketball Team 1925-1931; Conference Champions 1929-30, 1930-31; Co-
Captain 1929-30, 1930-31; President Bison Head Senior Honorary Society
1930-31; Secretary Senior Law Class; member Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity;
Assistant basketball coach University of Buffalo since 1932.
DR. NELSON G. RUSSELL is Professor of Medicine Emeritus in the School of Medi-
cine in the University of Buffalo, Consulting Physician Buffalo General Hos-
pital, Chief Consulting Physician Meyer Memorial Hospital and has been a
member of the Council of the University since 1921. He was born in New-
market, Ontario, Canada in 1872 and received his preliminary education in
the Schools of Ontario and the State of New York. He was graduated from the
School of Medicine of the University of Buffalo in 1895 and pursued post-
graduate studies in European centers–notably London, Berlin and Vienna.
He has been a member of the teaching staff of the School of Medicine of the
University of Buffalo since 1895. He is Governor of the American College of
Physicians, Western Division, and a member of the American Medical Associa-
tion, the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, the Ameri-
can Clinical and Climatological Association, the American Heart Association, the American Association
of the History of Medicine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Buffalo General Hospital.
He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. He served with
the American Expeditionary Force in France in the World War and was retired with the rank of Colonel.
He is now serving as Chairman of Medical Advisory Board No. 48–Selective Service. Dr. Russell
has served the University in many capacities, including membership in the Administrative Board of
the School of Medicine, the Athletic Council as Alumni Representative and the Endowment Fund Campaigns of 1920 and 1929.
JOSEPH SWART, LL.B., '20. Born near Medina, N.Y., in 1899; attended Medina
High School and St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute; admitted to the Bar in 1921.
He has been engaged in the active practice of the Law with Shir & Jellinek
since admission to the Bar, and has been a member of the firm since 1930.
He is married and the father of four sons. He resides at 36 Dodge Street, in
the City of Buffalo, N.Y.
ALBERT PHILLIP SY was born in Altamont, Illinois, in 1872; was graduated from
the University of Illinois in 1894, received the degree of M.S. from that institu-
tion in 1899, and the Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo in 1908. From 1895
to the present time, with the exception of the years from 1900 to 1904, he has
taught Chemistry at the University of Buffalo. He is a charter member of the
Buffalo Chemical Society (now Western New York Section, American Chemical
Society, of which he has been Chairman and Secretary). He has been Secretary
of Section of Chemical Education, and Section of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
of the American Chemical Society. He has served as Alumni member of the
Council of the University since 1920, and was a member of the Committee,
which selected Chancellor Capen.
ELMER J. TROPMAN received the degrees of B.A.--Magna cum laude, 1932;
M.A.--February, 1935; and Certificate in Social Work–February, 1937.
He was a member of Bison Head Honorary Society, Captain of the Debate
Team, 1930-31; President of the Arts Student Council, 1931-32 and Class
Day Orator, 1932. He was Graduate Assistant in Sociology Department,
1932-33; Instructor in Sociology Department, Millard Fillmore College, 1935-
36 and Social Worker, Buffalo Emergency Relief Bureau, 1934-36. He was
Parole Officer and Institutional Parole Representative, New York State Parole
Department, 1936-40 and Assistant Executive Secretary of the Council of
Social Agencies, 1940. He is a member of the American Association of Social
Workers and President of Alumni Association of the University of Buffalo
School of Social Work.
Original Format
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948, “Personal notes written by Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, May, 1941,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed February 10, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/index.php/items/show/79653.