Date Created
Minutes of The Vestry Meeting of St . Philips Episcopal Church
Held on August 5, 1973
The minutes were read by Mrs. Scruggs and on a motion by Miss Hunter which was
seconded by Mr. Edwards the vote was to receive the minutes with the necessary corrections.
Communications were read . The first was from the Internal Revenue Service which
informed us that our checking account has a levy on it for $783.22.
A letter was received from the St . Philips Mens Club asking for permission to hold
a dinner-dance in September or October of this year.
Another letter was received from Julia Johnson, organist.
Father Pudwell communicated with the wardens in reference to his vacation, the
last Sunday in August and the first Sunday in September.
A letter was received from the insurance company stating that our coverage has
been reduced to $226,840. Mrs. Scruggs has already sent a letter asking for clarification.
The wardens reported that after the Internal Revenue Service levied the checking
account there was a negative balance of $.51. Miss Hunter asked what steps have been
taken to get our account cleared. Mrs. Scruggs and Mr.Van Longingham have talked with
Mr. Conti of the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Bennett suggested that we contact the
Diocese for help in getting relief from harassment by the IRS. It was moved by
Dr. Bullock and seconded by Miss Hunter that the wardens go to the chancellor of the
Diocese to get help in alleviating the Internal Revenue Service problem.
Mr. Gaffney suggested that we cease using the present account and open another in
another bank. It was moved by Mrs. Scruggs and seconded by Dr. Bullock that the church
close the present checking accoung and open one in City Bank. The motion passed.
Mrs. Scruggs then moved that the mechanics of the changeover be taken care of by the
Finance Committee. It was seconded by Miss Hunter and then passed by the body voting.
The Finance Committee reported that we have $121.68 in the present account.
The first report on the new church building was made by Mr. Edwards who stated
that he was away during the month of July. However, he has been approached by an
official of the Baptist Association in reference to our actions concerning the
Masten Park Baptist Church.
Warden Van Landingham reported that he had heard the asking price of $65,000
from someone but thought that it was too low for Masten Park Baptist Church . He stated
that the Northland Ave. and Lonsdale Luthern churches will be viewed and that
St. Clements has been visited. He also mentioned that officials from Masten Park
Baptist Church have mentioned the figure of $100,000.
Mrs. Woodard asked about the parish meeting that was that was to have been held.
Warden Van Landingham said that the meeting was not held because of absence of the wardens.
Mr. Edwards stated that we should move at the earliest date to inform and hear
from the parishoners. Mr. Leslie said let's get busy before we get fenced in. Mr. Burton
said the parishoners should be given an opportunity to express their views.
.Minutes—August 5, 1953, cont . – 2
It was moved by Mr. Edwards that parish meeting be held on the 19th of August.
The motion was lost for a lack of second. Dr. Bullock asked it there was a
committee to report on the visitations. Mr. Edwards said that there should be a
committee. Mr. Leslie said the building fund committee should be involved officially
through its chairman. Mrs. Bullock wanted to know if the associate vestry was a
part of the committee. Warden Parks said yes. Mr. Edwards said that delegation of
authority should be decided. Mrs. Bullock said that Mr. Edwards should be delegated to
head the new committee. Mr. Sparks said that we should set up the mechanics at
this point in time.
It was moved by Miss Hunter that the Vestry serve as the official committee to
investigate and visit and report to other members about prospective churches, and that
Mr. Edwards be the chairman. It was seconded by Mrs. Scruggs. There were several
unreadies. Mr. Edwards stated that it should be wardens and vestry only. Mr. Thomas
had an unready but changed his mind. Miss Hunter said that Vestry includes vestry
and associate vestry. Mrs. Scruggs said that according to the canons the Vestry is
the Vestry only. Mr. Edwards said that he is declining because the large committee is
too cumbersome f or sending notices, etc. Mr. Edwards than stated that he is not
declining. The motion was then passed, including the associate vestry.
Mr. Sparks said that before an offer is made an appraisal should be made and the
seller should have an idea of what they want, and what the price is on the open market.
It was stated that the Masten Park Baptist Church plant is too big for us to carry.
Mr. Edwards said that there should be a meeting of the committee this week and that
the center staff could get out the notices. The meeting should be held Wednesday, August
8 at 7 :00 at the Church. After discussion it was moved by Mr. Edwards and seconded by
Warden Van Londingham and passed that the parish meeting will be held Sunday, August 19 , 1973.
For New Business, Warden Van Langingham moved and Mrs. Scruggs seconded and it was
passed that the St. Philips Men's Club be given permission to hold their dinner-dance in
September or October.
Unfinished business of the Chritmas Dinner -Dance was reported on by Mr. Burton who
stated that Mrs. Coleman would get the report to the vestry.
Mr. Sparks reported that a notice from the county and city noted that the property
will be up for sale for taxes and interest amounting to $559.83.
Mrs. Edwards reported on the refreshments served f or Corpus Christi and noted a
refund of $21.14.
Dr. Bullock and Mr. Goffney were thanked for refreshments served at this meeting.
A letter of thanks is to be sent to Mrs. Edwards for refreshment she served.
We were informed that Father Skinner was supply priest for Father Pudwell who was
sick for one of the of the masses.
Miss Appling reported on the Pepsi-Cola machine. In July $32.57 was collected and
there was $36.50 in liabilities. She stated that the old debits should be squared up
with Father Curry.
Miss Appling than reported on the 1974 Church Calendar. The desire is to have the
Minutes--August 5, 1973, cont. – 3
picture of resigning Bishop Hines on the calendar. A letter was sent to the Bishop
asking his permission and one was received granting same.
Miss Hunter asked it a contract had been signed with Father Pudwell. Warden
Van Landingham stated that not as yet.
Miss Appling said that the convention in Kentucky should be discussed.
Warden Van Landingham said that any one going to the convention and making a written
report will be given credit for monies spent.
Mr. Sparks reporting on the Town Garden Development said that his credentials
have been accepted and that he is not trying to acquaint himself with the operations
of the board.
Mr. Thomas moved for adjournment and the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a. m.
Those present were:
Von Landingham
E. Bullock