Paul E. Mohn
Professor of engineering
University of Buffalo. School of Engineering--History
University of Buffalo. Department of Mechanical Engineering--History
World War II--Effects of G.I. Bill on UB (history)
Professor of engineering at UB and the State University of New York at Buffalo, 1944-1972; Chairman of the department of mechanical engineering, 1944-1967; Dean of the School of Engineering, 1946-1959. Interview with Mohn conducted by Jenny Peterzell, February 14, 1978. Concerns School of Engineering at UB.
Overview: Paul Mohn came to the University of Buffalo in 1944 to assume a position in the newly-established School of Engineering. He retired from active teaching in 1972. This interview focuses primarily on the development of the engineering program at UB. After commenting on his own background and family history, Professor Mohn talks about the establishment of early coursework in engineering at the Un~versity of Buffalo, and its gradual extension into a full degree program. He goes on to talk about his own tenure at the University, discussing the makeup of the first faculty in engineering and the pressures immediately put on the program as a result of the influx of G.I.s returning from World War II. Professor Mohn also mentions his more recent activities and his feelings about the State University of New York at Buffalo as it is now.
Interviewer's Observations: attitude toward the interview was very sedous, yet pleasant. Physically, he appeared in good condition with the exception of his eyes. Large, brownish-colored rings encircled both eyes whinh were visible when he periodically removed his glasses to wipe his eyes. He explained that this condition was the result of a medication he's taking. Dr. Mohn was cordial to the interviewer but maintained a somewhat formal distance; not initiating or wanting to converse about matters not pertinent to the Engineering department, its growth and development. In other words, his attitude was very business-like. Dr. Mohn is concerned with the project and wishes to schedule a follow-up interview to dispell further information. Incidentally, before recording Dr. Mohn humbly related to me that he is not a "Dr." "As Chancellor Capen used to say," he remarked, "I have an E.B.T. degree; everything but thesis." He preferred to be called 'mister.'
Sound recording
Date Created
Is Part Of
Video Filename
Original Format
1 sound cassette
ca. 60 min.
Peterzell, Jenny
Mohn, Paul E., 1901-
“Paul E. Mohn,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed March 10, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/4299.