Medical notes written by Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, undated
Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
Medical notes written by Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, undated.
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948
Date Created
32 pages
In dislocation we do not get crepitus, loss of function, no such loss of shape in fracture as in dislocations.
If Clavicle may be upwards or forwards make rigid extensions of shoulders back wards, Humerus in front and sides the coracoid the sub clav, rare the sub glen ord
+ sub coracoid, history of accident and great deformity much more immovable and can not get the hand to other shoulder
also can tell by measur
ing from acromion to elbow or pass a line around and over the shoulder to find the dif between the two axillae much in creased or injured side
After reduction bind arm in flexed pos for three week and caution patient to be careful for several months
Dis of elbow joint may be backwards or forwards and may be some chipping of coracoid proc, may be more from enat that process, some motion will be inter fered with olecranon very much [?] from triceps + biceps in cond of spasm
Of [?] on the dorsum of the ileum + backwards in to sciatic notch into obturator foramen
Where is the wire ligament
two kinds of sensation
Hypoglossal motor a divided nerve may [re?????]
When the leg is abducted the head of femur is easily thrown out of socket. no crep. headfelt where it ought not to be inversion [?] when onto pubis great eversion even more than that loss of function rigidity might be [s???] still further so head would come under [a??] sup. spine, when into sciatic notch will find on drawing the legs up well flexed, When the foot turns inwards rotate a little inwards then out wards strongly, and strong after or rather first in the direction the knee points
Will be eversion and lengthening in thyroid disclocations
[?] Pair origin
can be traced to gray matter called nucleus
divides into three branches in teeth the inferior map, contains motor roots so you see resem bles the spinal nerves
lingual branch very important presides over the sense of taste of fore part of tongue function exceedingly sensitive, an inflam of eyeball
Glosso phar, origin receives what branches at its origin purely sensitive but outside mixed mucous memb of tongue contains
Dis of patella may be turned out or inwards. If violence enough in dis, the knee joint in any way will likely be some fracture also, extension to quite an extent
Tuberculosis does not often begin in the lower part of lungs Nitrogenized iron think will take the place of Line, Dropsical the blood becomes watery the body is much drained upon by the deposit when one gets so far as to have swollen feet - do not send away can only prolong
Aorta nearly as high as the sternum. There are two innominate veins not so with the arteries intercostals about [?] the first not [?] from the aorta but a branch of sub pericardial medias tinal espoh. bronchial
Hernia may be through diaphragm coming beside the femoral vessels called femoral through obturator for or sciatic notch, Surgical Anat. may be large or small intestine or omentum, or of both together
the peritoneum is never or very rarely ruptured. If from great pressure upon abdomen will be rupture in weak est spot, transversalis fascia the under layer of triangular space or external ring seven layers of fascia
drawn up and you will find tenderness in one part, place may develope well marked tremor, little fine gall stones not beans or orange seeds
Areolar tissue
Conjoined tendon
[?] fascia
What the connection of the canal of nuck - with congenital hernia, infantile may be in old persons and of the oblique form
what sounds do you get in percussion that hernia is most serious which contains most intestine. The crural arch or Pouparts lig the fascia lata continuous
Compound the [?] thin put on Joni as before never forget to have good bandage around abdomen tight for pressure + support majority will get well if seen in time
The Appendix subject to cattharal disease will in healthy state never get anything into it but when diseased long foreign bodies will get in and most always go out [?] by perforation thinks this generally the cause of per. pain in right illiac region and one leg
with saphenous vein runs on outside fascia lata [?] refers to sickle shape what the coverings of femoral hernia run great importance of flexing thigh only one way to cut and not be in danger of cutting artery is upwards in inguinal always out inwards
Symp. acute or chronic in inflam. hot apple to relax can do much sometimes by position by elevating hips and raising knees can give some opium to allay pain [?ella] has a reputation, strong coffee is said to have an influence anaesthetic Arrange try to to restore
so that will not produce cathartic effect you must not give cathartics
you want to keep the intestine quick nor injections should not be given Opium the great sheet anchor when has been sick long + is weak Quinine 1/2 - 2 gr, appli hot water, if does not do can mix 1 pt tur pentine to how much hot water 4 pts 1/2 pt tur 1 pt castor oil can use sweet instead blisters may be useful very large
should know the way came down and down should be passed in opposite direction if under chloroform will quite easily if at all will [no?t] need to try more than five minutes if that will not do must operate
Can easily see how may be gangrene can tell by odor + color and not the glistening on any look dark + like chamois
generally immediate cause of death gangrene level very rapidly comp, in a large burn
Pain prostration Reaction when gangrene comes then pain stops sometimes. coffee ground vomiting
Treat In strong person bleeding can put out just the same as in pleurisy generally prostra tion [?] can not bleed from [a???] the great remedy Opium give for effect - do not let respiration run below [?] Does not think any obj to giving cal with job small enough
Trachea artery
Inominate artery sometimes comes above the sternum then there is an artery Thyrordia [??es], Then look for any large superficial veins there will be conges-
tion of veins also.
First with sharp knife make good incision then scratch away with point of knife Thymus gland several little veins over the trachea may find
then very soon much pus thrown out, also [?] thrown out
Pain will be described as wind in the bowels the intestine moves worm - like apt to get intang led in this lymph and will hold intestine + strangulate causes primary + secondary tubercular deposit, from a severe blow traumatic, from being caught between cars parasites or worm perforates very seldom
A terrific shock from this dis may begin at a single [?] or at several
Then we infer that the inflam is over the bladder more tend erness in right illiac region circrumscribed may subside with out ex tending further or may face very anx ious pulse
never has any delerium attitude will at once attract your attention because he has a very tender abdomen
Breathes rapidly but not deeply, very sens to any jar or loud talk very nervous state roughening engorge + throwing out lymph
In young people
More apt at what age, acute + chronic more apt in hot than cold season
occurs in persons who go in swimming often has very little premonition except a little pain in bowels lies [wh???] back with knees drawn up
vomit a green matter bowels constipated cannot be moved by strong cathartics sometimes desire to urinate very often
Much chewing will hinder the action of pancreas, so it is said Iodoform is being used for tuberculosis having effect in [?ill] upon vasilis as an antiseptic begins to think much can be done
by this kind of treat
Little one with swell ing in on back of neck holds head with hand so needs a support to hold head up. Potts dis of cervical spine gets to pick up something to see what kind of movement he would make
Rochelle salts to get a thinner discharge then try to allay irri tation by opium
Quinine anti periodic sustaining + antiseptic 5 - 10 grs in from 4 - 8 hr, (sat sol ep. salt 7oz sulph acid, 1 oz 1/2 oz every [?] three) hr, [???eac], is said to be good 2 dr, East India remedy 1/2 teaspoon laud mustard plaster
Treat. if taken with dys frequent desire to go to stool simply put in bed and not give much to eat 1/2 oz castor 10 - 15 [?] laud with glyc, keep warm, skin active
Move Severe Case Of so very much pain and chilliness first to quiet + stim + febrile condition
Opium 1 -2 gr or starch + laud, stim 10 grs Calomel as the trouble comes from liver with opium to get diaphor etic action next morn put on saline cathar,
billions these he calls the worst in the Autumnal dys, occas ionally they change and discharge becomes black almost like tar these are far, and are what you supposed the green were but if not of the [t????] char, may be blood can be told by pouring on a little water, pus not strange is sign of ulceration not so bad a sign as the other if not offensive dys, varies
But in the Atunmnal dys of the whole intestine that is the large, engorge of whole lining memb. then ulcerations transverse in direction many times destroyed epithel swept away, ulcerations in all portions, (Gangrene) rare for perforation to occur but when does generally in lower part, if does periton with severe pain only [?] in first stage dies soon from the shock evac, will smell like fresh beef, this the worst, will have such as are
Pain in the intestine prevails in fall + is dif from that at other seasons, The weather [?]. frequent evac, with more or less pain and to some extent mucous + strain
there are cases in which no mucous or strain for large amit of serious these are worse than those of mucous + blood sometimes preceded by diarrhea entirely dif from dys, the dia from small the dys from large intest
Oils as injections will not be very good narcotics Opium chloral, drugs will act, to a certain extent [?] Canaba + strych digitalis sometimes with cabana, chlorate of gold + sodium
20 30/50 90
60/150 2 1/2 12 18/1
100 190
very good in vaginitis Nitric acid very seldom Bromine is used in cancer Chlorate of zinc
Alternative tinc Iodine Church tinc 25 gr + 15 gr Iodide put to [?] Alcohol Car acid (1-4) diluted with alchohol may be made into uterus Iodoform in gly + water and apply on cotton. Iodide lead blisters Glycerine will draw water if soak cotton and take put in rag will reduce engorg and produce watery discharge
what can we apply tannin alum has suplh ate of iron can use on pieces of cotton com mon, roll + put + [st???] alum 1/2 oz hy. dra. 2 dr alum 3 oz + half of glycerine tell will have profuse watery discharge, the patient can apply herself tampon, every day or twice a day very often [?] with hot water, these ast are very good, Caustics nitric acid carbolic + actual cantery Nitrate silver be used in sol 50 - 60 grs to oz
from 15 min - ½ hr, and persevered with a month is not long two or three yrs may be re quired, syring a pail with rubber tube and be sure + have nozzle of hard rubber. can put pail on table these are very good also cellulitis peritonitis
There This may not be the remedy for some persons paint the cervix with almost any thing nitric acid only be very careful not to touch the vulva
give some mild cathartic keep quiet during menstrual period corsets do much harm the bone in front sticks right into abdo men can wear a cord ed waist - saline water for constipation
If could have only one treatment would use hot water pas, has much to do when taking inject if on back with hips some what elevated can not run out till has reached outlet of vagina this of utmost importance another is the heat should be very hot from 110 - 120 the vagina is not sensitive it is only when and should be long contrived
[?] Secretion Osmosis Absorption
secretion in what [?] part of three or fours sleep during first 12 - 18 hrs we think good average
Beef tea
Scatter your seeds
If Clavicle may be upwards or forwards make rigid extensions of shoulders back wards, Humerus in front and sides the coracoid the sub clav, rare the sub glen ord
+ sub coracoid, history of accident and great deformity much more immovable and can not get the hand to other shoulder
also can tell by measur
ing from acromion to elbow or pass a line around and over the shoulder to find the dif between the two axillae much in creased or injured side
After reduction bind arm in flexed pos for three week and caution patient to be careful for several months
Dis of elbow joint may be backwards or forwards and may be some chipping of coracoid proc, may be more from enat that process, some motion will be inter fered with olecranon very much [?] from triceps + biceps in cond of spasm
Of [?] on the dorsum of the ileum + backwards in to sciatic notch into obturator foramen
Where is the wire ligament
two kinds of sensation
Hypoglossal motor a divided nerve may [re?????]
When the leg is abducted the head of femur is easily thrown out of socket. no crep. headfelt where it ought not to be inversion [?] when onto pubis great eversion even more than that loss of function rigidity might be [s???] still further so head would come under [a??] sup. spine, when into sciatic notch will find on drawing the legs up well flexed, When the foot turns inwards rotate a little inwards then out wards strongly, and strong after or rather first in the direction the knee points
Will be eversion and lengthening in thyroid disclocations
[?] Pair origin
can be traced to gray matter called nucleus
divides into three branches in teeth the inferior map, contains motor roots so you see resem bles the spinal nerves
lingual branch very important presides over the sense of taste of fore part of tongue function exceedingly sensitive, an inflam of eyeball
Glosso phar, origin receives what branches at its origin purely sensitive but outside mixed mucous memb of tongue contains
Dis of patella may be turned out or inwards. If violence enough in dis, the knee joint in any way will likely be some fracture also, extension to quite an extent
Tuberculosis does not often begin in the lower part of lungs Nitrogenized iron think will take the place of Line, Dropsical the blood becomes watery the body is much drained upon by the deposit when one gets so far as to have swollen feet - do not send away can only prolong
Aorta nearly as high as the sternum. There are two innominate veins not so with the arteries intercostals about [?] the first not [?] from the aorta but a branch of sub pericardial medias tinal espoh. bronchial
Hernia may be through diaphragm coming beside the femoral vessels called femoral through obturator for or sciatic notch, Surgical Anat. may be large or small intestine or omentum, or of both together
the peritoneum is never or very rarely ruptured. If from great pressure upon abdomen will be rupture in weak est spot, transversalis fascia the under layer of triangular space or external ring seven layers of fascia
drawn up and you will find tenderness in one part, place may develope well marked tremor, little fine gall stones not beans or orange seeds
Areolar tissue
Conjoined tendon
[?] fascia
What the connection of the canal of nuck - with congenital hernia, infantile may be in old persons and of the oblique form
what sounds do you get in percussion that hernia is most serious which contains most intestine. The crural arch or Pouparts lig the fascia lata continuous
Compound the [?] thin put on Joni as before never forget to have good bandage around abdomen tight for pressure + support majority will get well if seen in time
The Appendix subject to cattharal disease will in healthy state never get anything into it but when diseased long foreign bodies will get in and most always go out [?] by perforation thinks this generally the cause of per. pain in right illiac region and one leg
with saphenous vein runs on outside fascia lata [?] refers to sickle shape what the coverings of femoral hernia run great importance of flexing thigh only one way to cut and not be in danger of cutting artery is upwards in inguinal always out inwards
Symp. acute or chronic in inflam. hot apple to relax can do much sometimes by position by elevating hips and raising knees can give some opium to allay pain [?ella] has a reputation, strong coffee is said to have an influence anaesthetic Arrange try to to restore
so that will not produce cathartic effect you must not give cathartics
you want to keep the intestine quick nor injections should not be given Opium the great sheet anchor when has been sick long + is weak Quinine 1/2 - 2 gr, appli hot water, if does not do can mix 1 pt tur pentine to how much hot water 4 pts 1/2 pt tur 1 pt castor oil can use sweet instead blisters may be useful very large
should know the way came down and down should be passed in opposite direction if under chloroform will quite easily if at all will [no?t] need to try more than five minutes if that will not do must operate
Can easily see how may be gangrene can tell by odor + color and not the glistening on any look dark + like chamois
generally immediate cause of death gangrene level very rapidly comp, in a large burn
Pain prostration Reaction when gangrene comes then pain stops sometimes. coffee ground vomiting
Treat In strong person bleeding can put out just the same as in pleurisy generally prostra tion [?] can not bleed from [a???] the great remedy Opium give for effect - do not let respiration run below [?] Does not think any obj to giving cal with job small enough
Trachea artery
Inominate artery sometimes comes above the sternum then there is an artery Thyrordia [??es], Then look for any large superficial veins there will be conges-
tion of veins also.
First with sharp knife make good incision then scratch away with point of knife Thymus gland several little veins over the trachea may find
then very soon much pus thrown out, also [?] thrown out
Pain will be described as wind in the bowels the intestine moves worm - like apt to get intang led in this lymph and will hold intestine + strangulate causes primary + secondary tubercular deposit, from a severe blow traumatic, from being caught between cars parasites or worm perforates very seldom
A terrific shock from this dis may begin at a single [?] or at several
Then we infer that the inflam is over the bladder more tend erness in right illiac region circrumscribed may subside with out ex tending further or may face very anx ious pulse
never has any delerium attitude will at once attract your attention because he has a very tender abdomen
Breathes rapidly but not deeply, very sens to any jar or loud talk very nervous state roughening engorge + throwing out lymph
In young people
More apt at what age, acute + chronic more apt in hot than cold season
occurs in persons who go in swimming often has very little premonition except a little pain in bowels lies [wh???] back with knees drawn up
vomit a green matter bowels constipated cannot be moved by strong cathartics sometimes desire to urinate very often
Much chewing will hinder the action of pancreas, so it is said Iodoform is being used for tuberculosis having effect in [?ill] upon vasilis as an antiseptic begins to think much can be done
by this kind of treat
Little one with swell ing in on back of neck holds head with hand so needs a support to hold head up. Potts dis of cervical spine gets to pick up something to see what kind of movement he would make
Rochelle salts to get a thinner discharge then try to allay irri tation by opium
Quinine anti periodic sustaining + antiseptic 5 - 10 grs in from 4 - 8 hr, (sat sol ep. salt 7oz sulph acid, 1 oz 1/2 oz every [?] three) hr, [???eac], is said to be good 2 dr, East India remedy 1/2 teaspoon laud mustard plaster
Treat. if taken with dys frequent desire to go to stool simply put in bed and not give much to eat 1/2 oz castor 10 - 15 [?] laud with glyc, keep warm, skin active
Move Severe Case Of so very much pain and chilliness first to quiet + stim + febrile condition
Opium 1 -2 gr or starch + laud, stim 10 grs Calomel as the trouble comes from liver with opium to get diaphor etic action next morn put on saline cathar,
billions these he calls the worst in the Autumnal dys, occas ionally they change and discharge becomes black almost like tar these are far, and are what you supposed the green were but if not of the [t????] char, may be blood can be told by pouring on a little water, pus not strange is sign of ulceration not so bad a sign as the other if not offensive dys, varies
But in the Atunmnal dys of the whole intestine that is the large, engorge of whole lining memb. then ulcerations transverse in direction many times destroyed epithel swept away, ulcerations in all portions, (Gangrene) rare for perforation to occur but when does generally in lower part, if does periton with severe pain only [?] in first stage dies soon from the shock evac, will smell like fresh beef, this the worst, will have such as are
Pain in the intestine prevails in fall + is dif from that at other seasons, The weather [?]. frequent evac, with more or less pain and to some extent mucous + strain
there are cases in which no mucous or strain for large amit of serious these are worse than those of mucous + blood sometimes preceded by diarrhea entirely dif from dys, the dia from small the dys from large intest
Oils as injections will not be very good narcotics Opium chloral, drugs will act, to a certain extent [?] Canaba + strych digitalis sometimes with cabana, chlorate of gold + sodium
20 30/50 90
60/150 2 1/2 12 18/1
100 190
very good in vaginitis Nitric acid very seldom Bromine is used in cancer Chlorate of zinc
Alternative tinc Iodine Church tinc 25 gr + 15 gr Iodide put to [?] Alcohol Car acid (1-4) diluted with alchohol may be made into uterus Iodoform in gly + water and apply on cotton. Iodide lead blisters Glycerine will draw water if soak cotton and take put in rag will reduce engorg and produce watery discharge
what can we apply tannin alum has suplh ate of iron can use on pieces of cotton com mon, roll + put + [st???] alum 1/2 oz hy. dra. 2 dr alum 3 oz + half of glycerine tell will have profuse watery discharge, the patient can apply herself tampon, every day or twice a day very often [?] with hot water, these ast are very good, Caustics nitric acid carbolic + actual cantery Nitrate silver be used in sol 50 - 60 grs to oz
from 15 min - ½ hr, and persevered with a month is not long two or three yrs may be re quired, syring a pail with rubber tube and be sure + have nozzle of hard rubber. can put pail on table these are very good also cellulitis peritonitis
There This may not be the remedy for some persons paint the cervix with almost any thing nitric acid only be very careful not to touch the vulva
give some mild cathartic keep quiet during menstrual period corsets do much harm the bone in front sticks right into abdo men can wear a cord ed waist - saline water for constipation
If could have only one treatment would use hot water pas, has much to do when taking inject if on back with hips some what elevated can not run out till has reached outlet of vagina this of utmost importance another is the heat should be very hot from 110 - 120 the vagina is not sensitive it is only when and should be long contrived
[?] Secretion Osmosis Absorption
secretion in what [?] part of three or fours sleep during first 12 - 18 hrs we think good average
Beef tea
Scatter your seeds
Ames, Frances Proctor, 1856-1948, “Medical notes written by Dr. Frances Proctor Ames, undated,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed March 14, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/97451.