Vestry Minutes, July 11, 1977
Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Church history
African Americans -- New York (State) -- Buffalo
Minutes recorded of St. Philips Episcopal Church's Vestry Meeting on July 11, 1977.
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.)
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Libraries
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Date Created
July 11, 1977
Fr. E. Don Taylor, Presiding
--Opening prayer by Fr. Taylor.
--Introduction of Mr. Donald Lutas of Seminary in Jamaica who is
working this summer at the Community Center. Mr. Lutas' acceptance
at the meeting was moved by Miss Hunter and seconded by Mr. Wm.
McAlpin. Motion carried.
-- Congratulations to Mr. Federick McAlpin on his recent marriage.
ATTENDANCE; Vestry: Wm. McAlpin, Sahron Curry, James Ward, James
Williams, Jossie Hunter, Sweetie Wiggins, Willard Morse, Philip
Goffney. Assoc. Vestry: B. Anita Wing, Wilfred xxxxxxxx Epps,
Frances Campbell, Alexander Clark, Peggy Johnson. Non- Members:
Donald Lutas, Frederick McAlpin. Mr. Clark telephoned his lateness.
-- Minutes Corrections and Clarifications –“records", instead of
"recors", leakage refers to plumbing, "Mrs." Reid instead of Mr.,
Boy's 'Choir bill of instead of og, Clarification of bill sent to
gas company without money.
Moved by J. Hunter, seconded by J. Williams that minutes be
accepted with corrections and clarifications. Motion carried.
Matters Arising in Minutes--New assisting Priest, Dr. Pope, will
be joining us the first of September. His services will be restricted
to Sundays and minor duties during the week will be worked out.
--Contacted Rev. Bennett Smith about providing St. John's bus to
transport group to Rochester for UBE Conference. xxxxxxx Bus was
made available, but could not provided driver. It was too late
to arrange for a driver with special license.
--$1880 bill for Boy's Choir robes, Mr. McPherson agreed to finance
Robes. After board, that had been established by Fr. Taylor, had
to be dissolved, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx due to bickering by members on
their personal importance Mr. McPherson has ignored bills sent
to him after making an initial payment of $100. Fr. Taylor
has assumed the responsibility for raising the $1800. He has asked
the Church Hdqtrs. for assistance and the money will be forthcoming.
Mr. Ward asked if there was any announcement to the Vestry of
dissolution of the board and if there shouldn't be some kind of
checks and balances, and should the choir be responsible to the
church. Answer: Yes. There are plans to establish a new board
and By-Laws which the Vestry will approve. The drawback to establishment
in the name of St. Phillps is that many organizations will
not fund church organizations. Mr . Ward asked what steps will be
taken in the future. Fr. Taylor assured that any new steps as far
as the choir is concerned, will be taken to the vestry. Funding
will be sought and the choir will remain a part of St . Phillps.
Fr. Taylor spoke to the Parents Organization of the choir the explain
the letter from the Vestry asking about the unpaid bills and
financial status of choir. Miss Hunter asked if money wil available
Page 2
to meet the bill of approximately $1800. The matter will have
to be discussed with Mrs. Ernestine Greene, who is treasurer. Miss
Hunter thinks something should be done soon to at least pay on
the bill. Company has been contacted. Catholic Supplies has been
paid $500 and Almay $100 in February. Fr. Taylor noted that bills
should be sent to Boy's Choir but they come to St. Philips in order
to use tax exempt status. Assurances given by Fr. Taylor that active
efforts will be made to get the bill paid and get a new board started.
Supply Priest--Moved by Miss Hunter, seconded by Sharon Curry
that the overpayment of $75 instead of the budgeted $40 be taken
from Religious Ed. or Community Outreach. Motion carried.
--Episcopal Charities --deficit not as large after a final recheck showed
unrecorded pledges. Men's club wrote check for $100 to cover part
of deficit.
--Mrs. Reid--Job description has not been redone , Meeting of Rector,
Warden, and Mrs. Reid has not taken place. In light of Vestry's request
for such a meeting, the letter to be sent to Mrs. Reid as
instructed by Mr. Van L, should not be sent.
--Linen Bill--being received even though linen service has been discontinued.
A call should be made to Co. to clear up the matter.
RECTOR'S REPORT--June was dominated by plans for UBE Conference.
Conference was a great success--tremendous acclaim from d elegates, A word of
of commendation to our UBE members. Mrs. Rudd elected V. Pres.
of National UBE. St. Philip's role in UBE Conference was financed
without going into the red.
--Correspondence --D House--certificates from diocese f or lay delegates
for convention in Oct.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION-- Miss Hunter--Report written and filed. Ventures
in Mission workshop that was held in May with participants that
represented a cross - section of the parishioners . This workshop was
conducted in each parish throughout the diocese with the purpose
of coming up with a list of parish priorities for mission and ----
then combining them to set up diocesan priorities. The Vestry
was asked to consider/what directions we should go in implementing
what St. Philip ' s workshop produced as its priorities. When final
meeting was held at Calvary, references were made to St. Philip's
group being the most enlightening and best structured. Fr, Taylor:
Rather than present a slate of priority listings for diocese this
year at the convention, diocesan priorities will come from VIM
workshops because it reflects true priorities of the diocese, St.
Philip's priorities were understandably different from those of
other parishes and special attention should be given St. Philip's
because of activities generated and for educational purposes.
TREASURER' S REPORT—No report. Report with absent Mr. VanL.
REBUILDING—Contracts signed but no work begun. Some activities
To start this week. Mr. VanL has all information on rebuilding
Page 3
work. Mrs. Wing commented that the Jr. Warden should know what
Sr. Warden knows. They should work together, so that if Mr. VanL
is not here, Mr. Wiggins can make report. Suggestion was made to
call Mr. VanL at home. Mr. Wiggins called. Phone conversation
revealed that Mr. Van L has eye trouble. Is unable to attend meeting.
However, contractors will begin work Wed. of this week. (July 13)
PROPERTY NEXT DOOR--Fr. Taylor--papers drawn up by Mr. McGranor's
lawyer. Offer of $6,000 made. It was refused for $7,000, the
original request. Mr. Sparks is following through. Waiting to
hear from the McGranor's Lawyer, who has been very abusive to Fr.
Taylor and has threatened a lawsuit for breach of promise. $5,000
has been received from Festival Committee for the purchase. It
was restated that our offer was $6,000 because that was what Mr.
Sparks said the property was worth, but even before the appraisal by Mr.
Sparks the Vestry approved the purchase for $7,000. Mrs. Campbell
called the whole matter unfortunate. A lengthy Discussion was held
on how the matter has been handled.
OLD BUSINESS-Parish Picnic--to be publicized to attract kids in
order to introduce them to St. Philip's. No limitation on number
who can attend. All are welcomed. The goal is to have people
feel that the picnic is not closed to them because they are not
members of St. Philip's.
--Rectory Repairs--Needs painting and minor plumbing, particularly
draining in basement. Vestry needs to give some consideration
before serious defects and costly renovations. Miss Hunter asked
what did property committee do when the matter was called to their
attention earlier. Mr. Clark noted that he and K. Greene went
over and appraised the property and made a list of recommendations.
Paint charts were sent to Mrs. Taylor to select paints. Nothing
else has been done. Mr. Williams asked that the Property Committee
follow through. Mr. Morse said that he would get painters to go
in one Sat. and paint the interior. Moved by Miss Hunter, seconded
by Mr. Morse that whatever money is available be used to do what
has to be done. Motion carried. Mr. Morse proposed asking parishioners
to give money to renovate. Miss Hunter feels parishioners should
not be asked. Fr. Taylor also spoke against this proposal. Miss
Hunter suggested that Org. of Org. come up with a plan to generate
funding for renovation. Fr. Taylor further suggested that Property,
Stewardship, and Org. of Org. get together for strategy on raising
money for renovation. Fr. Taylor also made urgent request for
sturdy doors for the Rectory for security purposes.
NEW BUSINESS--Fr. Taylor asked that organizations take notes before
going on vacation that the Annual Parish Meeting this year is to
be held in Dec. and to begin the necessary preliminaries.
--Fr. Taylor has deferred his vacation until Fr. Pope will be here
and we will not need a supply priest. He is to attend College of
Preachers in Wash., DC to do study in Sept.
Miss Hunter moved adjournment, seconded by McAlpin.
Closing with prayer.
July 11, 1977
Fr. E. Don Taylor, Presiding
--Opening prayer by Fr. Taylor.
--Introduction of Mr. Donald Lutas of Seminary in Jamaica who is
working this summer at the Community Center. Mr. Lutas' acceptance
at the meeting was moved by Miss Hunter and seconded by Mr. Wm.
McAlpin. Motion carried.
-- Congratulations to Mr. Federick McAlpin on his recent marriage.
ATTENDANCE; Vestry: Wm. McAlpin, Sahron Curry, James Ward, James
Williams, Jossie Hunter, Sweetie Wiggins, Willard Morse, Philip
Goffney. Assoc. Vestry: B. Anita Wing, Wilfred xxxxxxxx Epps,
Frances Campbell, Alexander Clark, Peggy Johnson. Non- Members:
Donald Lutas, Frederick McAlpin. Mr. Clark telephoned his lateness.
-- Minutes Corrections and Clarifications –“records", instead of
"recors", leakage refers to plumbing, "Mrs." Reid instead of Mr.,
Boy's 'Choir bill of instead of og, Clarification of bill sent to
gas company without money.
Moved by J. Hunter, seconded by J. Williams that minutes be
accepted with corrections and clarifications. Motion carried.
Matters Arising in Minutes--New assisting Priest, Dr. Pope, will
be joining us the first of September. His services will be restricted
to Sundays and minor duties during the week will be worked out.
--Contacted Rev. Bennett Smith about providing St. John's bus to
transport group to Rochester for UBE Conference. xxxxxxx Bus was
made available, but could not provided driver. It was too late
to arrange for a driver with special license.
--$1880 bill for Boy's Choir robes, Mr. McPherson agreed to finance
Robes. After board, that had been established by Fr. Taylor, had
to be dissolved, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx due to bickering by members on
their personal importance Mr. McPherson has ignored bills sent
to him after making an initial payment of $100. Fr. Taylor
has assumed the responsibility for raising the $1800. He has asked
the Church Hdqtrs. for assistance and the money will be forthcoming.
Mr. Ward asked if there was any announcement to the Vestry of
dissolution of the board and if there shouldn't be some kind of
checks and balances, and should the choir be responsible to the
church. Answer: Yes. There are plans to establish a new board
and By-Laws which the Vestry will approve. The drawback to establishment
in the name of St. Phillps is that many organizations will
not fund church organizations. Mr . Ward asked what steps will be
taken in the future. Fr. Taylor assured that any new steps as far
as the choir is concerned, will be taken to the vestry. Funding
will be sought and the choir will remain a part of St . Phillps.
Fr. Taylor spoke to the Parents Organization of the choir the explain
the letter from the Vestry asking about the unpaid bills and
financial status of choir. Miss Hunter asked if money wil available
Page 2
to meet the bill of approximately $1800. The matter will have
to be discussed with Mrs. Ernestine Greene, who is treasurer. Miss
Hunter thinks something should be done soon to at least pay on
the bill. Company has been contacted. Catholic Supplies has been
paid $500 and Almay $100 in February. Fr. Taylor noted that bills
should be sent to Boy's Choir but they come to St. Philips in order
to use tax exempt status. Assurances given by Fr. Taylor that active
efforts will be made to get the bill paid and get a new board started.
Supply Priest--Moved by Miss Hunter, seconded by Sharon Curry
that the overpayment of $75 instead of the budgeted $40 be taken
from Religious Ed. or Community Outreach. Motion carried.
--Episcopal Charities --deficit not as large after a final recheck showed
unrecorded pledges. Men's club wrote check for $100 to cover part
of deficit.
--Mrs. Reid--Job description has not been redone , Meeting of Rector,
Warden, and Mrs. Reid has not taken place. In light of Vestry's request
for such a meeting, the letter to be sent to Mrs. Reid as
instructed by Mr. Van L, should not be sent.
--Linen Bill--being received even though linen service has been discontinued.
A call should be made to Co. to clear up the matter.
RECTOR'S REPORT--June was dominated by plans for UBE Conference.
Conference was a great success--tremendous acclaim from d elegates, A word of
of commendation to our UBE members. Mrs. Rudd elected V. Pres.
of National UBE. St. Philip's role in UBE Conference was financed
without going into the red.
--Correspondence --D House--certificates from diocese f or lay delegates
for convention in Oct.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION-- Miss Hunter--Report written and filed. Ventures
in Mission workshop that was held in May with participants that
represented a cross - section of the parishioners . This workshop was
conducted in each parish throughout the diocese with the purpose
of coming up with a list of parish priorities for mission and ----
then combining them to set up diocesan priorities. The Vestry
was asked to consider/what directions we should go in implementing
what St. Philip ' s workshop produced as its priorities. When final
meeting was held at Calvary, references were made to St. Philip's
group being the most enlightening and best structured. Fr, Taylor:
Rather than present a slate of priority listings for diocese this
year at the convention, diocesan priorities will come from VIM
workshops because it reflects true priorities of the diocese, St.
Philip's priorities were understandably different from those of
other parishes and special attention should be given St. Philip's
because of activities generated and for educational purposes.
TREASURER' S REPORT—No report. Report with absent Mr. VanL.
REBUILDING—Contracts signed but no work begun. Some activities
To start this week. Mr. VanL has all information on rebuilding
Page 3
work. Mrs. Wing commented that the Jr. Warden should know what
Sr. Warden knows. They should work together, so that if Mr. VanL
is not here, Mr. Wiggins can make report. Suggestion was made to
call Mr. VanL at home. Mr. Wiggins called. Phone conversation
revealed that Mr. Van L has eye trouble. Is unable to attend meeting.
However, contractors will begin work Wed. of this week. (July 13)
PROPERTY NEXT DOOR--Fr. Taylor--papers drawn up by Mr. McGranor's
lawyer. Offer of $6,000 made. It was refused for $7,000, the
original request. Mr. Sparks is following through. Waiting to
hear from the McGranor's Lawyer, who has been very abusive to Fr.
Taylor and has threatened a lawsuit for breach of promise. $5,000
has been received from Festival Committee for the purchase. It
was restated that our offer was $6,000 because that was what Mr.
Sparks said the property was worth, but even before the appraisal by Mr.
Sparks the Vestry approved the purchase for $7,000. Mrs. Campbell
called the whole matter unfortunate. A lengthy Discussion was held
on how the matter has been handled.
OLD BUSINESS-Parish Picnic--to be publicized to attract kids in
order to introduce them to St. Philip's. No limitation on number
who can attend. All are welcomed. The goal is to have people
feel that the picnic is not closed to them because they are not
members of St. Philip's.
--Rectory Repairs--Needs painting and minor plumbing, particularly
draining in basement. Vestry needs to give some consideration
before serious defects and costly renovations. Miss Hunter asked
what did property committee do when the matter was called to their
attention earlier. Mr. Clark noted that he and K. Greene went
over and appraised the property and made a list of recommendations.
Paint charts were sent to Mrs. Taylor to select paints. Nothing
else has been done. Mr. Williams asked that the Property Committee
follow through. Mr. Morse said that he would get painters to go
in one Sat. and paint the interior. Moved by Miss Hunter, seconded
by Mr. Morse that whatever money is available be used to do what
has to be done. Motion carried. Mr. Morse proposed asking parishioners
to give money to renovate. Miss Hunter feels parishioners should
not be asked. Fr. Taylor also spoke against this proposal. Miss
Hunter suggested that Org. of Org. come up with a plan to generate
funding for renovation. Fr. Taylor further suggested that Property,
Stewardship, and Org. of Org. get together for strategy on raising
money for renovation. Fr. Taylor also made urgent request for
sturdy doors for the Rectory for security purposes.
NEW BUSINESS--Fr. Taylor asked that organizations take notes before
going on vacation that the Annual Parish Meeting this year is to
be held in Dec. and to begin the necessary preliminaries.
--Fr. Taylor has deferred his vacation until Fr. Pope will be here
and we will not need a supply priest. He is to attend College of
Preachers in Wash., DC to do study in Sept.
Miss Hunter moved adjournment, seconded by McAlpin.
Closing with prayer.
Original Format
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.), “Vestry Minutes, July 11, 1977,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed March 17, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/97501.