Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, October 7, 1973
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, October 7, 1973
Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Church history
African Americans -- New York (State) -- Buffalo
Typewritten minutes for the October 7, 1973 St. Philip's vestry meeting.
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.)
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Libraries
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Date Created
The Meeting was opened at 9:22 a.m. with the Chairman, Warden
James P. Parks, presiding. The minutes of the September Vestry Meeting
were read by Warden Mr. Henry L. VanLandingham. A motion was made by
Vestryman Mr. Willard A. Morse to accept the mtnutes, with the necessary
corrections, and was seconded by Vestryman Mrs. Geneva B. Scruggs. With
no opposing votes, the motion to accept the minutes was carried.
Communications were reported by Mr. VanLandingham as follows:
1. Thank You letter from Mrs. Virginia Bryant, acknowledging a
card she received from the Vestry during her illness
2. Letter received from Bishop Robinson concerning the Diocesan
Wardens' Report followed, given by Mr. VanLandingham.
Finance Committee Report was given by Treasurer Mr. Morse (a
detailed statement being attached hereto).
SPEC Housing Committee report given by Mr. VanLandingham. We are
hoping to receive a Letter of Feasability from Washington, D.C., but to
date no answer has come.
SPEC Community Center report by Mrs. Scruggs. A committee made
up of representatives of the Center Board (with Vestryman Mr. Laughton D.
Thomas, Acting Chairman), the Executive Director (Mrs . Scruggs), and others;
met with the present rector of St. Clement 's (Father Bruce Griffith)
concerning the possibility of moving our Center Program into St. Clement's
by November. The Vestry of St . Clement's must decide if this is possible,
however, and they will be meeting sometime in the near future. Father
Griffith was asked of his opinion of the need for our Center in the
community, based on the fact that there are 2 other centers in that vicinity.
His reply was that "Those 2 other centers are farther away than he would
send his child. There is a definite need for a Center Program in the communi
ty of St . Clement 's." He then suggested a target date for our move:
on or around [crossed out: November] October 13, 1973. No firm commitment can be made by them
until after November 15th, when he will discuss with their Vestry the
costs of heating and other expenses.
Church Property Sale. In the absence of Atty. Mr. William A. Sims,
Mr. VanLandingnam reported that Mr. Sims has the papers to present to the
Supreme Court for authorization to sell our present property.
Ever Member Canvass. Mr. VanLandingham, when approached by Dean
Smith, assumed the Chairmanship for the Drive here at SPEC . A meeting
will be held of the Deanery Chairmen on October 12th. A suggestion was
made by Associate Vestryman Mrs. Anita H. Wing as a possible source of
income for the coming year(s), we could have "PEW RENT" wherein each
member or family would give $100.00 for a year to reserve a pew in the
Church; this would assure the rentor of a seat in the event he came to
Church and the congregation was "full" he would still have a place to sit .
After much discussion, the suggestion was tabled for consideration at a
later time. Mr. VanLandingham asked Mrs. Wing and Vestryman Mr. Frederick
W. McAlpin to serve on this committee.
Page 2 of October 7, 1973 Vestry Minutes.
Budget Committee. At the suggestion/appointment of the "Chair,"
the following will comprise the 1974 Budget Committee:
1. Vestryman Scruggs, Chairman
2. Associate Vestryman Mr. Sims
3. Vestryman Dr. Benjamin F. Bullock, Jr.
4. Vestryman (Treasurer) Morse
5. Warden James P. Parks
Nominating Committee. Chairman: Mr. Julius I. Evans; assisted by
Associate Vestrymen: Mrs. Erna S. Clark and Mr. Hubert L. Miller.
Mr. VanLandingham informed the Nominating Committee that the following
persons' terms of office are due to expire:
1. Senior Warden: James P. Parks
2. Vestryman : William Godfrey, Jr.
3. Vestryman Laughton D. Thomas
4. Vestryman : Mrs. Geneva B. Scruggs
Parish Meeting. Mr. Vanlandingham suggested a proposed date for
our Annual Parish Meeting: Sunday, December 2, 1973. The congregation
will be properly notified of this meeting.
Moving Dates. Mr. VanLandingham reported that the Moving Committee
has had two meetings; the target date for moving is sometime in January.
A letter received from Vestryman Mr. Robert D. Edwards and attached to these
minutes was read. Mr. Edwards, in his letter, states that he has been working
with very knowledgeable persons on how to get our organ into St. Clement's.
Father Edward Kryder, of Calvary Church-Williamsville, has offered his
services in this area so that we may utilize (as best as we can) our efforts
in getting all/most of our i tems into St. Clement's. A motion was made by
Mrs . Scruggs that we accept Father Kryder as "Consultant in our Moving."
It was seconded by Mr. Morse. With no opposition, the motion was unanimously
carried. It was further moved by Mrs. Scruggs, and seconded by Mr. Morse,
that the letter received from Mr. Edwards (mentioned above) be attached to
the minutes of this meeting, for future reference.
Church Property Sale. Atty Mr. Sims, now having arrived, made the
following report. The papers have been completed (for Church's Sale), and
are ready to be filed. The Church Survey has been sent to the City of
Buffalo. Mr. Sims asked for guidance from the Vestry as to whether he
should "close early" and make arrangements for paying rent, or wait unt i l
later this year. St. Clement's lawyer has contacted Mr. Sims, and he
(Mr. Sims) will know in 2 weeks, or sometime thereafter, whether or not we
can proceed into St. Clement's. He feels that St. Clement's has finalized
her plans for merging (with St. James), and we can possibly move into
St. Clement's in 3-4 weeks. The following comments/discussion followed:
Mrs. Clark asked Mr. Sims that if everything is ready for the s ale of SPEC,
perhaps we could hold off until St. Clement 's completes its plans so that
we won 't have to pay rent at our present location. Mr. Morse suggested
that we set a tentative Sale Date for the first week in December.
Mr. Vanlandingham reminded us that for the record, we ne ed to have Atty.
Mr. Sims' name applied as "Attorney for the Purchase of St. Clement's."
It was moved by Mr. Morse , and seconded by Mrs. Scruggs that Atty . Sims :
be. retained for the Purchase of St. Clement's. With no opposing votes,
the motion was carried. Mr. VanLandingham suggested that in answer to
Mr. Sims' request for guidance fr om the Vestry that we "play it by ear."
Page 3 of October 7, 1973 Vestry Minutes.
St. Clement's doesn't want to be rushed. Wait until theit plans are complete;
he can move ahead to negotiate the dates of the closing; contingent with
St. Clement's move or progress. Mrs. Scruggs then asked Mr . Sims what his
fee will be . Mr. Sims said that he will use the "Minimum Fee Schedule" as
a guide; if the amounts are much less than $55,000 the fee is usually a
small percent (1-1½). He will charge on a percentage basis.
ADDITION to the October 1973 Minutes
Mr. VanLandingham reported that the Vestry of
St. Clement's is discussing arrangements with our Wardens
for Father Griffith to remain in the Rectory, until such
time that we have a full-time priest (to occupy the rectory)
or upon the "newly formed congregation" making other arrangements
for Father Griffith.
Bishop's visitation. Mr. VanLandingham reported that Bishop
Robinson has agreed to have Confirmation on his Annual Visitation Day,
Sunday, November 25, 1973. We need a chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mrs. Scruggs accepts the responsibility of finding someone to
serve as Chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mr. VanLandingham reported that our Presiding Bishop, The Right
Reverend John E. Hines, is resigning as of June 1974 because of many
repercussions from "the Flock" in his efforst to help the minorities.
He has consented to have his picture on our 1974 Church Calendars.
Mr. Charles H. Simmons, manager of the Cecil Brown Funeral Service, has
agreed to furnish the calendars for our Church Family. Mrs. Scruggs
noted that Bishop Hines was "brutally attacked" by one of our own Buffalo
Priests, at our last Diocesan Convention, and it was shortly after that
he (Bishop Hines ) left Buffalo and announced publicly his resignation as
our "Chief Pastor."
Mrs. Scruggs asked that had we not at a previous Parish Meeting
discussed limiting the terms of Vestrymen to two consecutive terms
(6 years); and at that time (of expiration of his term) he would have to
remain off (the Vestry) for one year before being re-elected? There was
no evidence of any such proposal or discussion in the Office Files. She
commented, also, that our Wardens need to be legal-minded and knowledgeable
about the Church.
With no further discussion or business the meeting was adjourned,
by Mr. Parks, at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Appling
(Miss) Walter Appling
10/7/73 Acting Clerk for October Meeting
Page 3 of October 7, 1973 Vestry Minutes.
St. Clement's doesn't want to be rushed. Wait until theit plans are complete;
he can move ahead to negotiate the dates of the closing, contingent with
St. Clement's move or progress. Mrs. Scruggs then asked Mr. Sims what his
fee will be. Mr. Sims said that he will use the "Minimum Fee Schedule" as
a guide; if the amounts are much less than 55,000 the fee is usually a
small percent (1-1½). He will charge on a percentage basis.
Calling Committee. Mr. VanLandingham stated that the Study Committee
has made their report to the Diocese. The Committee should now
get together with the Calling Committee. Mrs. Scruggs reminded us that
if Father Griffith is going to move out of the rectory (St. Clement's)
before we get a Priest, we need to consider what we are. going to do about
getting someone to stay on the premises to protect the property. Mr.
Sparks felt that St. Clement's would probably be aware of this need due
to vandalism and arsonists, etc., but it would also be good if we could
make some provisions to have someone there to look after things. Mr. Sims
volunteered to serve on the Calling Committee. Mrs. Scruggs made a motion
that the Study Committee have the responsibility of selecting the Calling
Committee-- with additions being any member(s) of the Parish. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Morse. With no opposition, the motion was carried.
Bishop's Visitation. Mr. VanLandingham reported that Bishop
Robinson has agreed to have Confirmation on his Annual Visitation Day ,
Sunday, November 25, 1973. We need a chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mrs. Scruggs accepts the responsibility of finding someone to
serve as Chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mr. VanLandingham reported that our Presiding Bishop, The Right
Reverend John E. Hines, is resigning as of June 1974 because of many
repercussions from "the Flock" in his efforst to help the minorities.
He has consented to have his picture on our 1974 Church Calendars.
Mr. Charles H. Simmons, manager of the Cecil Brown Funeral Service, has
agreed to furnish the calendars for our Church Family. Mrs. Scruggs
noted that Bishop Hines was "brutally attacked" by one of our own Buffalo
Priests, at our l ast Diocesan Convention, and it was shortly after that
he (Bishop Hines) left Buffalo and announced publicly his resignation as
our "Chief Pastor."
Mrs. Scruggs asked that had we not at a previous P rish Meeting
discussed limiting the terms of Vestrymen to two consecutive terms
(6 years); and at that time (of expiration of his term) he would have to
remain off (the Vestry) for one year before being re-elected? There was
no evidence of any such proposal or discussion in the Office Files. She
commented, also, that our Wardens need to be legal-minded and knowledgeable
about the Church.
With no further discussion or business the meeting was adjourned,
by Mr. Parks, at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Appling
(Miss) Walter Appling
Acting Clerk for October Meeting
The Meeting was opened at 9:22 a.m. with the Chairman, Warden
James P. Parks, presiding. The minutes of the September Vestry Meeting
were read by Warden Mr. Henry L. VanLandingham. A motion was made by
Vestryman Mr. Willard A. Morse to accept the mtnutes, with the necessary
corrections, and was seconded by Vestryman Mrs. Geneva B. Scruggs. With
no opposing votes, the motion to accept the minutes was carried.
Communications were reported by Mr. VanLandingham as follows:
1. Thank You letter from Mrs. Virginia Bryant, acknowledging a
card she received from the Vestry during her illness
2. Letter received from Bishop Robinson concerning the Diocesan
Wardens' Report followed, given by Mr. VanLandingham.
Finance Committee Report was given by Treasurer Mr. Morse (a
detailed statement being attached hereto).
SPEC Housing Committee report given by Mr. VanLandingham. We are
hoping to receive a Letter of Feasability from Washington, D.C., but to
date no answer has come.
SPEC Community Center report by Mrs. Scruggs. A committee made
up of representatives of the Center Board (with Vestryman Mr. Laughton D.
Thomas, Acting Chairman), the Executive Director (Mrs . Scruggs), and others;
met with the present rector of St. Clement 's (Father Bruce Griffith)
concerning the possibility of moving our Center Program into St. Clement's
by November. The Vestry of St . Clement's must decide if this is possible,
however, and they will be meeting sometime in the near future. Father
Griffith was asked of his opinion of the need for our Center in the
community, based on the fact that there are 2 other centers in that vicinity.
His reply was that "Those 2 other centers are farther away than he would
send his child. There is a definite need for a Center Program in the communi
ty of St . Clement 's." He then suggested a target date for our move:
on or around [crossed out: November] October 13, 1973. No firm commitment can be made by them
until after November 15th, when he will discuss with their Vestry the
costs of heating and other expenses.
Church Property Sale. In the absence of Atty. Mr. William A. Sims,
Mr. VanLandingnam reported that Mr. Sims has the papers to present to the
Supreme Court for authorization to sell our present property.
Ever Member Canvass. Mr. VanLandingham, when approached by Dean
Smith, assumed the Chairmanship for the Drive here at SPEC . A meeting
will be held of the Deanery Chairmen on October 12th. A suggestion was
made by Associate Vestryman Mrs. Anita H. Wing as a possible source of
income for the coming year(s), we could have "PEW RENT" wherein each
member or family would give $100.00 for a year to reserve a pew in the
Church; this would assure the rentor of a seat in the event he came to
Church and the congregation was "full" he would still have a place to sit .
After much discussion, the suggestion was tabled for consideration at a
later time. Mr. VanLandingham asked Mrs. Wing and Vestryman Mr. Frederick
W. McAlpin to serve on this committee.
Page 2 of October 7, 1973 Vestry Minutes.
Budget Committee. At the suggestion/appointment of the "Chair,"
the following will comprise the 1974 Budget Committee:
1. Vestryman Scruggs, Chairman
2. Associate Vestryman Mr. Sims
3. Vestryman Dr. Benjamin F. Bullock, Jr.
4. Vestryman (Treasurer) Morse
5. Warden James P. Parks
Nominating Committee. Chairman: Mr. Julius I. Evans; assisted by
Associate Vestrymen: Mrs. Erna S. Clark and Mr. Hubert L. Miller.
Mr. VanLandingham informed the Nominating Committee that the following
persons' terms of office are due to expire:
1. Senior Warden: James P. Parks
2. Vestryman : William Godfrey, Jr.
3. Vestryman Laughton D. Thomas
4. Vestryman : Mrs. Geneva B. Scruggs
Parish Meeting. Mr. Vanlandingham suggested a proposed date for
our Annual Parish Meeting: Sunday, December 2, 1973. The congregation
will be properly notified of this meeting.
Moving Dates. Mr. VanLandingham reported that the Moving Committee
has had two meetings; the target date for moving is sometime in January.
A letter received from Vestryman Mr. Robert D. Edwards and attached to these
minutes was read. Mr. Edwards, in his letter, states that he has been working
with very knowledgeable persons on how to get our organ into St. Clement's.
Father Edward Kryder, of Calvary Church-Williamsville, has offered his
services in this area so that we may utilize (as best as we can) our efforts
in getting all/most of our i tems into St. Clement's. A motion was made by
Mrs . Scruggs that we accept Father Kryder as "Consultant in our Moving."
It was seconded by Mr. Morse. With no opposition, the motion was unanimously
carried. It was further moved by Mrs. Scruggs, and seconded by Mr. Morse,
that the letter received from Mr. Edwards (mentioned above) be attached to
the minutes of this meeting, for future reference.
Church Property Sale. Atty Mr. Sims, now having arrived, made the
following report. The papers have been completed (for Church's Sale), and
are ready to be filed. The Church Survey has been sent to the City of
Buffalo. Mr. Sims asked for guidance from the Vestry as to whether he
should "close early" and make arrangements for paying rent, or wait unt i l
later this year. St. Clement's lawyer has contacted Mr. Sims, and he
(Mr. Sims) will know in 2 weeks, or sometime thereafter, whether or not we
can proceed into St. Clement's. He feels that St. Clement's has finalized
her plans for merging (with St. James), and we can possibly move into
St. Clement's in 3-4 weeks. The following comments/discussion followed:
Mrs. Clark asked Mr. Sims that if everything is ready for the s ale of SPEC,
perhaps we could hold off until St. Clement 's completes its plans so that
we won 't have to pay rent at our present location. Mr. Morse suggested
that we set a tentative Sale Date for the first week in December.
Mr. Vanlandingham reminded us that for the record, we ne ed to have Atty.
Mr. Sims' name applied as "Attorney for the Purchase of St. Clement's."
It was moved by Mr. Morse , and seconded by Mrs. Scruggs that Atty . Sims :
be. retained for the Purchase of St. Clement's. With no opposing votes,
the motion was carried. Mr. VanLandingham suggested that in answer to
Mr. Sims' request for guidance fr om the Vestry that we "play it by ear."
Page 3 of October 7, 1973 Vestry Minutes.
St. Clement's doesn't want to be rushed. Wait until theit plans are complete;
he can move ahead to negotiate the dates of the closing; contingent with
St. Clement's move or progress. Mrs. Scruggs then asked Mr . Sims what his
fee will be . Mr. Sims said that he will use the "Minimum Fee Schedule" as
a guide; if the amounts are much less than $55,000 the fee is usually a
small percent (1-1½). He will charge on a percentage basis.
ADDITION to the October 1973 Minutes
Mr. VanLandingham reported that the Vestry of
St. Clement's is discussing arrangements with our Wardens
for Father Griffith to remain in the Rectory, until such
time that we have a full-time priest (to occupy the rectory)
or upon the "newly formed congregation" making other arrangements
for Father Griffith.
Bishop's visitation. Mr. VanLandingham reported that Bishop
Robinson has agreed to have Confirmation on his Annual Visitation Day,
Sunday, November 25, 1973. We need a chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mrs. Scruggs accepts the responsibility of finding someone to
serve as Chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mr. VanLandingham reported that our Presiding Bishop, The Right
Reverend John E. Hines, is resigning as of June 1974 because of many
repercussions from "the Flock" in his efforst to help the minorities.
He has consented to have his picture on our 1974 Church Calendars.
Mr. Charles H. Simmons, manager of the Cecil Brown Funeral Service, has
agreed to furnish the calendars for our Church Family. Mrs. Scruggs
noted that Bishop Hines was "brutally attacked" by one of our own Buffalo
Priests, at our last Diocesan Convention, and it was shortly after that
he (Bishop Hines ) left Buffalo and announced publicly his resignation as
our "Chief Pastor."
Mrs. Scruggs asked that had we not at a previous Parish Meeting
discussed limiting the terms of Vestrymen to two consecutive terms
(6 years); and at that time (of expiration of his term) he would have to
remain off (the Vestry) for one year before being re-elected? There was
no evidence of any such proposal or discussion in the Office Files. She
commented, also, that our Wardens need to be legal-minded and knowledgeable
about the Church.
With no further discussion or business the meeting was adjourned,
by Mr. Parks, at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Appling
(Miss) Walter Appling
10/7/73 Acting Clerk for October Meeting
Page 3 of October 7, 1973 Vestry Minutes.
St. Clement's doesn't want to be rushed. Wait until theit plans are complete;
he can move ahead to negotiate the dates of the closing, contingent with
St. Clement's move or progress. Mrs. Scruggs then asked Mr. Sims what his
fee will be. Mr. Sims said that he will use the "Minimum Fee Schedule" as
a guide; if the amounts are much less than 55,000 the fee is usually a
small percent (1-1½). He will charge on a percentage basis.
Calling Committee. Mr. VanLandingham stated that the Study Committee
has made their report to the Diocese. The Committee should now
get together with the Calling Committee. Mrs. Scruggs reminded us that
if Father Griffith is going to move out of the rectory (St. Clement's)
before we get a Priest, we need to consider what we are. going to do about
getting someone to stay on the premises to protect the property. Mr.
Sparks felt that St. Clement's would probably be aware of this need due
to vandalism and arsonists, etc., but it would also be good if we could
make some provisions to have someone there to look after things. Mr. Sims
volunteered to serve on the Calling Committee. Mrs. Scruggs made a motion
that the Study Committee have the responsibility of selecting the Calling
Committee-- with additions being any member(s) of the Parish. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Morse. With no opposition, the motion was carried.
Bishop's Visitation. Mr. VanLandingham reported that Bishop
Robinson has agreed to have Confirmation on his Annual Visitation Day ,
Sunday, November 25, 1973. We need a chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mrs. Scruggs accepts the responsibility of finding someone to
serve as Chairman of the Hospitality Committee.
Mr. VanLandingham reported that our Presiding Bishop, The Right
Reverend John E. Hines, is resigning as of June 1974 because of many
repercussions from "the Flock" in his efforst to help the minorities.
He has consented to have his picture on our 1974 Church Calendars.
Mr. Charles H. Simmons, manager of the Cecil Brown Funeral Service, has
agreed to furnish the calendars for our Church Family. Mrs. Scruggs
noted that Bishop Hines was "brutally attacked" by one of our own Buffalo
Priests, at our l ast Diocesan Convention, and it was shortly after that
he (Bishop Hines) left Buffalo and announced publicly his resignation as
our "Chief Pastor."
Mrs. Scruggs asked that had we not at a previous P rish Meeting
discussed limiting the terms of Vestrymen to two consecutive terms
(6 years); and at that time (of expiration of his term) he would have to
remain off (the Vestry) for one year before being re-elected? There was
no evidence of any such proposal or discussion in the Office Files. She
commented, also, that our Wardens need to be legal-minded and knowledgeable
about the Church.
With no further discussion or business the meeting was adjourned,
by Mr. Parks, at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Appling
(Miss) Walter Appling
Acting Clerk for October Meeting
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.), “Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, October 7, 1973,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed March 14, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/97513.