Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philips Church, November 4, 1973
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philips Church, November 4, 1973
Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Church history
African Americans -- New York (State) -- Buffalo
Handwritten minutes for the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Church on Sunday, November 4, 1973.
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.)
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Libraries
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Date Created
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philips Church.
Sunday, November 4, 1973.
The meeting was opened at 9:10 am with
Chairman, Warden James Parks presiding. Minutes
from previous meeting were read by Virginia Bundy
Motion made by Mr. VanLandingham and seconded
by Mr. Willard Morse to accept minutes with necessary
Communications reported by Mr. VanLandingham
1. Letter received concerning our calendar.
2. Dr. Benjamin Bullock acknowledged a
communication sent by Vestry upon the death
of his Uncle.
3. Mr. Willard Morse reported a communication
for Honecker Plumbing claiming our bill outstanding
to be $1401.44 which does not agree
with our figures. Mrs. Scruggs stated Mr.
Bishop had asked Honecker Plumbing to take
a cut in his bill which he agreed to do so
the amount outstanding is incorrect.
Mr. VanLandingham stated other communications are
not all in yet. Report will be given later.
Finance Committee - Reported by Mr. Willard Morse
Stated Contributions are down. Detailed
report attached.
SPEC Housing Development - Mr. VanLandingham
no progress to report.
SPEC Community Center - Given by Mrs. Scruggs.
Target date for moving into new center is
Nov. 12th. Registration is set for the
following Mon, Tues, Wed.
Survey done by Mrs. Scruggs and her
committee wil be reported after the valuation
is done.
There will be no program during the holidays.
Father Griffith offered the use of his
office and any additional increase for the
cost of utilities will be settled at en
of the year.
Mrs. Scruggs suggested the pop machine
was not a profitable operation and could
possibly be given to the EYC as their project
and assume total responsibility. So moved
by Dr. Benjamin Bullock. Seconded by
Mrs. Geneva Scruggs. Vote unanimous.
Church Property Sale -
In the absence of Mr. Sims, Mr. VanLandingham
reported he had made several calls to Mr. Sims' office
but calls not returned. The court dates are not
known at this time.
New Business
a) Every Member Canvas report given by
Mr. VanLandingham. Dean Smith said
SPEC would join the Diocese in the
Drive however SPEC would be allowed
to observe Loyalty Sunday as planned
on Nov. 25th.
Mr. Parks suggested letters to the congregation
be followed up with phone
b) Budget Committee
Mrs. Geneva Scruggs reported the
Committee will meet as soon as all the reports are in.
Mr. VanLandingham asked for a
Pie Diagram from the Committee and
Mrs. Scruggs said they will comply.
c) Nominating Committee
Mr. Julius Evans, Chairman, stated
he was not clear on reflection of vestry
and cannot act until this point is
Mr. VanLandingham said it will be an
open election and Vestrymen can be reelected
Names from the floor will be accepted along
with the slate presented by the committee.
d) Parish Meetings
Candidates name will be submitted
at the Parish Meeting, Dec. 2, 1973 following
Mass. Moved by Mr. Edwards. Seconded
by Mrs. Scruggs. Vote unanimous.
Mr. VanLandingham asked if Vestry wanted
to provide coffee + doughnuts but having a
"Kitty Cup."
e) Moving Date:
Mr. VanLandingham stated there has
not been a concrete date set yet. He intends
to call this week and check on
date and also call Mr. Sims concerning
Church property.
f) Moving Committee
In absence of committee Mr. VanLandingham
reported a meeting is scheduled for Nov. 5
at St. Clements with Father Kryder and
Mr. Allen Luther, Contractor + Consultant
to discuss moving into new church and
to get ideas and cast estimates.
Mr. Edwards requested the letter from
Father Kryder concerning moving be read. Mr.
VanLandingham stated the letter was read at
the last meeting. Question arose concerning
a fee for father Kryder and Mr. Luther.
Mr. VanLandingham informed the Vestry, Father
Kryder's services are without fee and Mr.
Luther's services as consultant are on a fee
Mr. Edwards explained the major remodeling
necessary woul dbe an extended balcony
to accomodate the organ + choir.
Mr. Morse suggested a call meeting after
Nov. 5 meeting to discuss prices so work can
be started as soon as possible.
Mr. Robert Edwards recommended the organ
be removed as soon as possible so necessary
repairs can be started. Mr. Edwards was
asked to check on the cost of renting an
electronic organ for Xmas Services. He
offered to follow thru and report back to
the vestry.
g) Calling Committee
Mr. VanLandingham reported he had
received inquiries from 4 Priests.
Letters with profiles were mailed Oct 22nd.
To date no replies has been received.
The new package deal for priests is now $15,879.50
including housing and fringe benefits.
Mrs. Scruggs suggested a history of SPEC
be added to the Profiles. Dr. Bullock
requested a copy of the letter be sent to
the Vestry. Mrs. Scruggs added copy
should be sent to all vestry members and
Calling Committee members.
Dr. Bullock offered to make the extra
Mrs. Coleman asked if our present
priest is being considered. Mr. VanLandingham
stated father Pudwell is not a candidate.
Miss Hunter asked if the Wardens are working
on retaining Father Griffith. Mr. VanLandingham
stated nothing has been done.
The Calling Committee will meet as soon
as any replies are received.
h) Bishop's Visitation Day. - Nov. 25
Mrs. Geneva Scruggs reported there
will be one Service followed by a Social
hour. Mr. Robert Johnson is chairman of the
Social Hour.
Ms. Parks announced our organist, Mrs. Johnson
would like to resign. Mrs. Scruggs was
asked to put feelers out to secure another
organist. Mrs. Scruggs requested the vestry
set a fee. Mr. VanLandingham explained the
Vestry can set a fee scale. Usually the
hiring of the organist is the responsibility of the
Priest in charge but under our present
situation the Vestry can set the fee.
Mr. Robert Edwards recommended we
contract for an Organist-Director.
Dr. B.F. Bullock suggested contacting
St. Clements' organist to see if she is available.
Miss Josephine Hunter asked to be heard
concerning the state of our Sunday School.
She listed the following complaints:
1. Incomplete staff
2. Baby sitting in some instances instead
of teaching.
3. No viable program at this point
4. Sunday School staff have not met
once this year.
Mr. VanLandingham promised to meet with the
Seep[?]. to discuss the situation.
Convention Report
Mr. VanLandingham thanked all who
attended the dinner.
Because of illness Mr. VanLandingham
was represented by Miss Hunter
Congratulations were extended to Mrs.
Geneva Scruggs and Miss Hunter on their
elections as the Convention.
Miss Hunter commented on the noticeable
lack of representation of SPEC at the
convention this year.
Miss Hunter asked to be heard
on the non functioning of the Finance
Committee. Discussion followed concerning
the auditing of the books.
Mr. Robert Edwards suggested forming
an Organization Committee to set up guidelines
for Standing Committees. Mr. Edwards
volunteered to chair the committee. The
following members offered to work on the
1. Dr. B.F. Bullock
2. Mr. Sparkes
3. Mrs. Wing
4. Mrs. Eviva Bullock
Miss Hunter requested how much time is
required to have items for discussion included on
the agenda. Mr. VanLandingham replied
one week notice is necessary.
Mr. B.F. Bullock requested a full report
from the Dinner Dance Committee be
presented at the next Vestry meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.
Respectfully submitted
Virginia Bundy
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philips Church.
Sunday, November 4, 1973.
The meeting was opened at 9:10 am with
Chairman, Warden James Parks presiding. Minutes
from previous meeting were read by Virginia Bundy
Motion made by Mr. VanLandingham and seconded
by Mr. Willard Morse to accept minutes with necessary
Communications reported by Mr. VanLandingham
1. Letter received concerning our calendar.
2. Dr. Benjamin Bullock acknowledged a
communication sent by Vestry upon the death
of his Uncle.
3. Mr. Willard Morse reported a communication
for Honecker Plumbing claiming our bill outstanding
to be $1401.44 which does not agree
with our figures. Mrs. Scruggs stated Mr.
Bishop had asked Honecker Plumbing to take
a cut in his bill which he agreed to do so
the amount outstanding is incorrect.
Mr. VanLandingham stated other communications are
not all in yet. Report will be given later.
Finance Committee - Reported by Mr. Willard Morse
Stated Contributions are down. Detailed
report attached.
SPEC Housing Development - Mr. VanLandingham
no progress to report.
SPEC Community Center - Given by Mrs. Scruggs.
Target date for moving into new center is
Nov. 12th. Registration is set for the
following Mon, Tues, Wed.
Survey done by Mrs. Scruggs and her
committee wil be reported after the valuation
is done.
There will be no program during the holidays.
Father Griffith offered the use of his
office and any additional increase for the
cost of utilities will be settled at en
of the year.
Mrs. Scruggs suggested the pop machine
was not a profitable operation and could
possibly be given to the EYC as their project
and assume total responsibility. So moved
by Dr. Benjamin Bullock. Seconded by
Mrs. Geneva Scruggs. Vote unanimous.
Church Property Sale -
In the absence of Mr. Sims, Mr. VanLandingham
reported he had made several calls to Mr. Sims' office
but calls not returned. The court dates are not
known at this time.
New Business
a) Every Member Canvas report given by
Mr. VanLandingham. Dean Smith said
SPEC would join the Diocese in the
Drive however SPEC would be allowed
to observe Loyalty Sunday as planned
on Nov. 25th.
Mr. Parks suggested letters to the congregation
be followed up with phone
b) Budget Committee
Mrs. Geneva Scruggs reported the
Committee will meet as soon as all the reports are in.
Mr. VanLandingham asked for a
Pie Diagram from the Committee and
Mrs. Scruggs said they will comply.
c) Nominating Committee
Mr. Julius Evans, Chairman, stated
he was not clear on reflection of vestry
and cannot act until this point is
Mr. VanLandingham said it will be an
open election and Vestrymen can be reelected
Names from the floor will be accepted along
with the slate presented by the committee.
d) Parish Meetings
Candidates name will be submitted
at the Parish Meeting, Dec. 2, 1973 following
Mass. Moved by Mr. Edwards. Seconded
by Mrs. Scruggs. Vote unanimous.
Mr. VanLandingham asked if Vestry wanted
to provide coffee + doughnuts but having a
"Kitty Cup."
e) Moving Date:
Mr. VanLandingham stated there has
not been a concrete date set yet. He intends
to call this week and check on
date and also call Mr. Sims concerning
Church property.
f) Moving Committee
In absence of committee Mr. VanLandingham
reported a meeting is scheduled for Nov. 5
at St. Clements with Father Kryder and
Mr. Allen Luther, Contractor + Consultant
to discuss moving into new church and
to get ideas and cast estimates.
Mr. Edwards requested the letter from
Father Kryder concerning moving be read. Mr.
VanLandingham stated the letter was read at
the last meeting. Question arose concerning
a fee for father Kryder and Mr. Luther.
Mr. VanLandingham informed the Vestry, Father
Kryder's services are without fee and Mr.
Luther's services as consultant are on a fee
Mr. Edwards explained the major remodeling
necessary woul dbe an extended balcony
to accomodate the organ + choir.
Mr. Morse suggested a call meeting after
Nov. 5 meeting to discuss prices so work can
be started as soon as possible.
Mr. Robert Edwards recommended the organ
be removed as soon as possible so necessary
repairs can be started. Mr. Edwards was
asked to check on the cost of renting an
electronic organ for Xmas Services. He
offered to follow thru and report back to
the vestry.
g) Calling Committee
Mr. VanLandingham reported he had
received inquiries from 4 Priests.
Letters with profiles were mailed Oct 22nd.
To date no replies has been received.
The new package deal for priests is now $15,879.50
including housing and fringe benefits.
Mrs. Scruggs suggested a history of SPEC
be added to the Profiles. Dr. Bullock
requested a copy of the letter be sent to
the Vestry. Mrs. Scruggs added copy
should be sent to all vestry members and
Calling Committee members.
Dr. Bullock offered to make the extra
Mrs. Coleman asked if our present
priest is being considered. Mr. VanLandingham
stated father Pudwell is not a candidate.
Miss Hunter asked if the Wardens are working
on retaining Father Griffith. Mr. VanLandingham
stated nothing has been done.
The Calling Committee will meet as soon
as any replies are received.
h) Bishop's Visitation Day. - Nov. 25
Mrs. Geneva Scruggs reported there
will be one Service followed by a Social
hour. Mr. Robert Johnson is chairman of the
Social Hour.
Ms. Parks announced our organist, Mrs. Johnson
would like to resign. Mrs. Scruggs was
asked to put feelers out to secure another
organist. Mrs. Scruggs requested the vestry
set a fee. Mr. VanLandingham explained the
Vestry can set a fee scale. Usually the
hiring of the organist is the responsibility of the
Priest in charge but under our present
situation the Vestry can set the fee.
Mr. Robert Edwards recommended we
contract for an Organist-Director.
Dr. B.F. Bullock suggested contacting
St. Clements' organist to see if she is available.
Miss Josephine Hunter asked to be heard
concerning the state of our Sunday School.
She listed the following complaints:
1. Incomplete staff
2. Baby sitting in some instances instead
of teaching.
3. No viable program at this point
4. Sunday School staff have not met
once this year.
Mr. VanLandingham promised to meet with the
Seep[?]. to discuss the situation.
Convention Report
Mr. VanLandingham thanked all who
attended the dinner.
Because of illness Mr. VanLandingham
was represented by Miss Hunter
Congratulations were extended to Mrs.
Geneva Scruggs and Miss Hunter on their
elections as the Convention.
Miss Hunter commented on the noticeable
lack of representation of SPEC at the
convention this year.
Miss Hunter asked to be heard
on the non functioning of the Finance
Committee. Discussion followed concerning
the auditing of the books.
Mr. Robert Edwards suggested forming
an Organization Committee to set up guidelines
for Standing Committees. Mr. Edwards
volunteered to chair the committee. The
following members offered to work on the
1. Dr. B.F. Bullock
2. Mr. Sparkes
3. Mrs. Wing
4. Mrs. Eviva Bullock
Miss Hunter requested how much time is
required to have items for discussion included on
the agenda. Mr. VanLandingham replied
one week notice is necessary.
Mr. B.F. Bullock requested a full report
from the Dinner Dance Committee be
presented at the next Vestry meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.
Respectfully submitted
Virginia Bundy
Original Format
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.), “Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philips Church, November 4, 1973,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed March 12, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/97518.