Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, December 9, 1973
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, December 9, 1973
Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Church history
African Americans -- New York (State) -- Buffalo
Handwritten minutes for the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Church on Sunday, December 9, 1973.
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.)
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Libraries
State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Date Created
St. Philip's Episcopal Church
166 Goodell Street
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting held on
Sunday, Dec. 9, 1973 - Attendance attached.
The meeting was called to order by
Sr. Warden James Parks. He asked Mrs. Geneva Scruggs to
take the minutes. The minutes of the meeting held Nov. 4,
were read and after the following corrections
they were adopted-
Corrections: 1) [crossed out: St.] Dean Smith's suggestion was that
St. Philips join with the Deanery and not
the Diocese for the Every Member Canvas.
2) The reference to Fr. Griffith was that he had
asked to be permitted to continue to occupy the rectory
until arrangements have been made for
[crossed out: the] his relocation in a rectory to be
provided by St. Michaels and All the Angels.
[*Communications Attached
Diocese re:
1974 Pledge -
Nursing Home Ministry
Re: Dinner Dance
Lutheran Ministry
Re: Property 222 Northland Ave.*]
The Agenda was expanded to include these
1- Building Fund Report: Robt. Edwards
2- Miss Hunter re: Advent + Lenten Programs
3- Report from Organization Committee
4- Report of the Parish Meeting
5- Discussion of Christmas Letter to
6- Bylaws - Committee to be appointed
7- Nominating Committee reporting first
to the Vestry
8- Structuring of the Parish Meeting to
be done by the Vestry.
It was moved by Mr. Edwards + seconded by
Miss [crossed out: Rob] Josephine Hunter that these items be
acted upon under "New Business". Carried.
Warden's Report:
1) Request from Priest-in-Charge for new
books - Green Liturgy and The New Testament.
2) Final Papers from the Urban Renewal
3) Sale of St. Clements to st. Philpis - Papers
signed by Willard Morse as clerk of
the vestry with $1000.00 borrowed
from the Memorial Fund used as
down payment.
4): Contract for organ repair:
$890.00 paid as binder to contract
$3560.- paid when the organ is removed
$4000. plus balnace due when
organ is installed on Sussex.
5) Receipt of a letter from Mrs. Erma S. Clark
agreeing to arrange for the last services and
reception at 166 Goodell and asking
for "go ahead" authorization. The
Wardens recommended granting
the authorization. She asked that Fr. Curry and Fr. Woodruff be sent letters.
6) Thanked Miss Josephine Hunter for
telephone - mailing blitz for Loyalty
Sunday. (Nov. 25, 1973)
7) Travel expense has been provided
for two candidates for the rectorship-
Fr. John Mason + Fr. Donald Taylor in the
amt. of $631.00 (plus). There will be a
refund from Fr. Mason as he was
able to get air passage more cheaply
over another line.
8) Diocesan Pledge. Urgent htat we
act on this at once.
Vestryman Godfrey moved the acceptance
of the report with Mr. Edwards giving the
second to the motion. Motion Carried.
Discussion followed on the matter
of the New Liturgy Books + Good News for
Modern Man (New Testament0.
Discussion was engaged in by Mrs. Rudd
Miss Hunter, Misses Godfrey, Edwards, + Mrs. Wing.
Each discussed his feeling for the need
for uniformity and the opportunity for participation
by the Congregation.
Mr. Edwards uggested getting Mimeo Copie
of one service or defer the experiment
until books can be ordered. Mrs. Wing
mentioned the difficulty of trying
to incorporate the high service into the
new liturgy.
Mr. Edwards spoke to the need for this
parish to resolve the inclination
between high + low services.
Mr. Godfrey suggested that we suggest one Mass
each Sunday from the Green Liturgy.
The Wardens will work on resolving the
matter and Miss Josephine Hunter
assumed responsibility for having 100
copies of the new service made.
[*Property Sale*]
Mr. Morse stated that we would have 60 days after closing before rent
starts. The rent will be possibly 3%
of the sale price.
Mr. Godfrey suggested that in the future
advances and loans for whatever purpose
be taken from one account, most
realistically the Building Fund, to be replaced
after erceipt of money from sale of 166.
Discussion relative to moving the organ
before bids were secured.
Miss Hunter moved, (seconded) that Mr. Edwards
proceed to get bids and whatever else
is necessary to get the organ repaired, moved
and reinstalled. Motion carried.
Miss Hunter was thanked for the effective last
minute drive for membership attendance on 11/25
and Warden Parks asked her to make suggestions
for continuing plans and projects to reactivate
Suspended the agenda to hear Supt. Kenny
Green of the Church School. He spoke
of plans for reorganization and for
working with Dr. Warren Lane, Dir. of
Christian Education for the Diocese in an
attempt ot re-structure the church school
program. He was exhorted to proceed
with his plans.
[*Agenda resumed*]
By motion made by Miss Hunter, seconded
and carried Mr. Robt. Edwards was authorized
to check out the cost of organ rental for
several weeks.
Report from the Committee on Organization
of the Vestry.
Report given by chairman Robert Edwards
who stated that the committee had
looked at areas of need and feels that
the report is a big step toward correcting
many of the problems of inefficiency, lack
of detail and disorganization that have
existed in the past. (Full report attached)
Mr. VanLandingham moved that the report he received
and that action on it become the first
order of business at the Jan. Vestry Meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Laughton Thomas. Much discussion on the
question and the motion was withdrawn.
Moved by Miss Josephine Hunter that the
report be accepted and put into action
immediately, subject to periodic review.
Motion seconded by Mr. Willard Morse
and carried.
Vestrymen immediately indicated
the committees that they would
like to chair under the new
organization: They are -
Committee on Organization Robt. Edwards
" " Christian Ed - Josephine Hunter
Budget Dr. B.F. Bullock
Finance (To be the Treasurer)
Stewardship - Laughton Thomas
Property - Alex Coles
Housekeeping - Fred McAlpin
Community Relations. Margorie Rudd
Personnel Wm Godfrey
A list of all committees and a copy
of the report will be mailed to all chairmen.
The Budget Committee reported a
projected budget of $38,046.48 for 1974.
(Copy of full budget attached).
$3000.00 was the amt. pledged to the Diocese
Vestryman Laughton Thomas moved (Miss Hunter
seconded) the adoption of the budget.
Motion carried unanimously.
Report from Mrs. Mildred Coleman on
the Dinner Dance held 12/29/72 showing
a balance on hand of $73.00. No
money accompanied the report. Mr.
Thomas moved that the partial report
be held in abeyance pending completion,
Completion being the remitting to the treasurer the
$73.00. Motion seconded and carried.
The warden was directed to have a
letter sent to Mrs. Coleman asking her
to complete her report by making the
Miss Hunter returned $4.75 balance left
from the $30.00 given to her for Loyalty Sun.
mailing + copying. She also stated that
she would make a report on the
special meeting with Fr. Carr at a later
Mr. Godfrey asked for the immediate
compiling of the lists of "To be moved" and
"not-to-be-moved" items.
Mr. Morse stated that many parishoners
were inquiring abou the presence of
Fr. Mason here today. It was suggested that a letter
go out to parishioners stating that he is
only a candidate for the rectorship.
Miss Hunter spoke re: the comments of the
Priest-in-charge and the Advent and
Lenten programs. The Vestry directed the
Wardens to advise the priest-in-charge
to continue assuming all priestly duties.
The Sr. Warden was asked to contact
the following named persons in
an attempt to get three to serve on
the Deanery Lenten Program Committee:
Ms. Helena Lee, Mr. Fred Anderson,
Mr. Addison Hinton, Mr. Bert Alston,
Mrs. Mary Meadows, Mr. + Mrs Epps.
Mr. Godfrey gave 5.00 toward the
Christmas Bulletin cost.
Remarks by Vestryman Geneva B. Scruggs
whose second 3-year term ended today.
Mrs. Scruggs thanked God for having
enabled her to serve the vestry,
the parish, the Deanery and the Diocese
over the years, and asked the prayers
of the vestry as she moves into
another level of service on the Standing
Committee of the Diocese.
Mr. William Godfrey and Mr. Wm McAlpin
responded with words of commendation
for the work that Mrs. Scruggs has done
and that the vestry and parish have
been fortunate to have her.
It was moved, seconded and carried
that St. Philips take a $25.00 Complimentary
Ad in the Nursing Home Ministry Journal.
Suggested Agenda for Jan meeting.
Appointment of By-Laws COmmittee
Selection of Clerk of the Vestry
Fiscal Officer
Election of Treasurer
Informing Parishioners of (In a newsletter)
1) Change in Marriage Canons
2) Moving Date
3) Other scheduled activities
4) what's happening to the organ
Moved by Mr. Morse that the treasurer,
clerk and fiscal officer be selected
and/or elected at the Jan. 1974 meeting
Carried - Organizational reports due by Jan 15, 1974
Moved, seconded and carried that the
treasurer pay as many bills as possible
in the interim.
Moved adjournment - by Miss Hunter
Minutes taken by
Geneva B. Scruggs
Acting Clerk
St. Philips Dinner Dance
Dec 29, 72
$883.45 Food _ cocktails
186.00 Music
9.00 tickets
$1078.45 all bills pd.
Balance on hand $73.00
M.B. [?]
Rec'd Dec. 9, 1973
St. Philip's Episcopal Church
166 Goodell Street
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting held on
Sunday, Dec. 9, 1973 - Attendance attached.
The meeting was called to order by
Sr. Warden James Parks. He asked Mrs. Geneva Scruggs to
take the minutes. The minutes of the meeting held Nov. 4,
were read and after the following corrections
they were adopted-
Corrections: 1) [crossed out: St.] Dean Smith's suggestion was that
St. Philips join with the Deanery and not
the Diocese for the Every Member Canvas.
2) The reference to Fr. Griffith was that he had
asked to be permitted to continue to occupy the rectory
until arrangements have been made for
[crossed out: the] his relocation in a rectory to be
provided by St. Michaels and All the Angels.
[*Communications Attached
Diocese re:
1974 Pledge -
Nursing Home Ministry
Re: Dinner Dance
Lutheran Ministry
Re: Property 222 Northland Ave.*]
The Agenda was expanded to include these
1- Building Fund Report: Robt. Edwards
2- Miss Hunter re: Advent + Lenten Programs
3- Report from Organization Committee
4- Report of the Parish Meeting
5- Discussion of Christmas Letter to
6- Bylaws - Committee to be appointed
7- Nominating Committee reporting first
to the Vestry
8- Structuring of the Parish Meeting to
be done by the Vestry.
It was moved by Mr. Edwards + seconded by
Miss [crossed out: Rob] Josephine Hunter that these items be
acted upon under "New Business". Carried.
Warden's Report:
1) Request from Priest-in-Charge for new
books - Green Liturgy and The New Testament.
2) Final Papers from the Urban Renewal
3) Sale of St. Clements to st. Philpis - Papers
signed by Willard Morse as clerk of
the vestry with $1000.00 borrowed
from the Memorial Fund used as
down payment.
4): Contract for organ repair:
$890.00 paid as binder to contract
$3560.- paid when the organ is removed
$4000. plus balnace due when
organ is installed on Sussex.
5) Receipt of a letter from Mrs. Erma S. Clark
agreeing to arrange for the last services and
reception at 166 Goodell and asking
for "go ahead" authorization. The
Wardens recommended granting
the authorization. She asked that Fr. Curry and Fr. Woodruff be sent letters.
6) Thanked Miss Josephine Hunter for
telephone - mailing blitz for Loyalty
Sunday. (Nov. 25, 1973)
7) Travel expense has been provided
for two candidates for the rectorship-
Fr. John Mason + Fr. Donald Taylor in the
amt. of $631.00 (plus). There will be a
refund from Fr. Mason as he was
able to get air passage more cheaply
over another line.
8) Diocesan Pledge. Urgent htat we
act on this at once.
Vestryman Godfrey moved the acceptance
of the report with Mr. Edwards giving the
second to the motion. Motion Carried.
Discussion followed on the matter
of the New Liturgy Books + Good News for
Modern Man (New Testament0.
Discussion was engaged in by Mrs. Rudd
Miss Hunter, Misses Godfrey, Edwards, + Mrs. Wing.
Each discussed his feeling for the need
for uniformity and the opportunity for participation
by the Congregation.
Mr. Edwards uggested getting Mimeo Copie
of one service or defer the experiment
until books can be ordered. Mrs. Wing
mentioned the difficulty of trying
to incorporate the high service into the
new liturgy.
Mr. Edwards spoke to the need for this
parish to resolve the inclination
between high + low services.
Mr. Godfrey suggested that we suggest one Mass
each Sunday from the Green Liturgy.
The Wardens will work on resolving the
matter and Miss Josephine Hunter
assumed responsibility for having 100
copies of the new service made.
[*Property Sale*]
Mr. Morse stated that we would have 60 days after closing before rent
starts. The rent will be possibly 3%
of the sale price.
Mr. Godfrey suggested that in the future
advances and loans for whatever purpose
be taken from one account, most
realistically the Building Fund, to be replaced
after erceipt of money from sale of 166.
Discussion relative to moving the organ
before bids were secured.
Miss Hunter moved, (seconded) that Mr. Edwards
proceed to get bids and whatever else
is necessary to get the organ repaired, moved
and reinstalled. Motion carried.
Miss Hunter was thanked for the effective last
minute drive for membership attendance on 11/25
and Warden Parks asked her to make suggestions
for continuing plans and projects to reactivate
Suspended the agenda to hear Supt. Kenny
Green of the Church School. He spoke
of plans for reorganization and for
working with Dr. Warren Lane, Dir. of
Christian Education for the Diocese in an
attempt ot re-structure the church school
program. He was exhorted to proceed
with his plans.
[*Agenda resumed*]
By motion made by Miss Hunter, seconded
and carried Mr. Robt. Edwards was authorized
to check out the cost of organ rental for
several weeks.
Report from the Committee on Organization
of the Vestry.
Report given by chairman Robert Edwards
who stated that the committee had
looked at areas of need and feels that
the report is a big step toward correcting
many of the problems of inefficiency, lack
of detail and disorganization that have
existed in the past. (Full report attached)
Mr. VanLandingham moved that the report he received
and that action on it become the first
order of business at the Jan. Vestry Meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Laughton Thomas. Much discussion on the
question and the motion was withdrawn.
Moved by Miss Josephine Hunter that the
report be accepted and put into action
immediately, subject to periodic review.
Motion seconded by Mr. Willard Morse
and carried.
Vestrymen immediately indicated
the committees that they would
like to chair under the new
organization: They are -
Committee on Organization Robt. Edwards
" " Christian Ed - Josephine Hunter
Budget Dr. B.F. Bullock
Finance (To be the Treasurer)
Stewardship - Laughton Thomas
Property - Alex Coles
Housekeeping - Fred McAlpin
Community Relations. Margorie Rudd
Personnel Wm Godfrey
A list of all committees and a copy
of the report will be mailed to all chairmen.
The Budget Committee reported a
projected budget of $38,046.48 for 1974.
(Copy of full budget attached).
$3000.00 was the amt. pledged to the Diocese
Vestryman Laughton Thomas moved (Miss Hunter
seconded) the adoption of the budget.
Motion carried unanimously.
Report from Mrs. Mildred Coleman on
the Dinner Dance held 12/29/72 showing
a balance on hand of $73.00. No
money accompanied the report. Mr.
Thomas moved that the partial report
be held in abeyance pending completion,
Completion being the remitting to the treasurer the
$73.00. Motion seconded and carried.
The warden was directed to have a
letter sent to Mrs. Coleman asking her
to complete her report by making the
Miss Hunter returned $4.75 balance left
from the $30.00 given to her for Loyalty Sun.
mailing + copying. She also stated that
she would make a report on the
special meeting with Fr. Carr at a later
Mr. Godfrey asked for the immediate
compiling of the lists of "To be moved" and
"not-to-be-moved" items.
Mr. Morse stated that many parishoners
were inquiring abou the presence of
Fr. Mason here today. It was suggested that a letter
go out to parishioners stating that he is
only a candidate for the rectorship.
Miss Hunter spoke re: the comments of the
Priest-in-charge and the Advent and
Lenten programs. The Vestry directed the
Wardens to advise the priest-in-charge
to continue assuming all priestly duties.
The Sr. Warden was asked to contact
the following named persons in
an attempt to get three to serve on
the Deanery Lenten Program Committee:
Ms. Helena Lee, Mr. Fred Anderson,
Mr. Addison Hinton, Mr. Bert Alston,
Mrs. Mary Meadows, Mr. + Mrs Epps.
Mr. Godfrey gave 5.00 toward the
Christmas Bulletin cost.
Remarks by Vestryman Geneva B. Scruggs
whose second 3-year term ended today.
Mrs. Scruggs thanked God for having
enabled her to serve the vestry,
the parish, the Deanery and the Diocese
over the years, and asked the prayers
of the vestry as she moves into
another level of service on the Standing
Committee of the Diocese.
Mr. William Godfrey and Mr. Wm McAlpin
responded with words of commendation
for the work that Mrs. Scruggs has done
and that the vestry and parish have
been fortunate to have her.
It was moved, seconded and carried
that St. Philips take a $25.00 Complimentary
Ad in the Nursing Home Ministry Journal.
Suggested Agenda for Jan meeting.
Appointment of By-Laws COmmittee
Selection of Clerk of the Vestry
Fiscal Officer
Election of Treasurer
Informing Parishioners of (In a newsletter)
1) Change in Marriage Canons
2) Moving Date
3) Other scheduled activities
4) what's happening to the organ
Moved by Mr. Morse that the treasurer,
clerk and fiscal officer be selected
and/or elected at the Jan. 1974 meeting
Carried - Organizational reports due by Jan 15, 1974
Moved, seconded and carried that the
treasurer pay as many bills as possible
in the interim.
Moved adjournment - by Miss Hunter
Minutes taken by
Geneva B. Scruggs
Acting Clerk
St. Philips Dinner Dance
Dec 29, 72
$883.45 Food _ cocktails
186.00 Music
9.00 tickets
$1078.45 all bills pd.
Balance on hand $73.00
M.B. [?]
Rec'd Dec. 9, 1973
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (Buffalo, N.Y.), “Minutes of the Vestry Meeting of St. Philip's Episcopal Church, December 9, 1973,” Digital Collections - University at Buffalo Libraries, accessed February 2, 2025, https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/97526.